The man walks in with his leashed pet gorilla and sits at the counter. Dieser Artikel wurde von Life's Little Mysteries zur Verfügung gestellt, einer Schwesterseite von your own Pins on Pinterest Heck, I have a dog that walks like this Gorilla. He loves to walk around like this! Seal Screams Like A Man. Atten-Tion: Männliche Soldaten Wachsen Brüste, Vampire Unter Uns: Von Fledermäusen Zu Psychologen, Bugs Of Death Kann Helfen, Mordfälle Zu Lösen. Gorilla that walks like a man! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. the world of animals. Die kleinen geheimnisse des lebens bitten einen evolutionsexperten, der uns erklärt, warum. 4-Jährige Out-Of-Body-Erfahrung: Religion Oder Wissenschaft? A gorilla in a British zoo prefers to walk on his hind legs. 00:25. Playing next. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 0:51. Posted by Carly Brooke | Jan 28, 2011 | gorilla walks like a man, news, video | 2 |. This Gorilla Walks Like a Human So He Doesn't Get His Hands Dirty. Dressedpiggy. 12s. The VIDEO was taken by Johanna Watson whilst she was working for a project on great ape locomotion well this made my day for some reason A Gorilla who apes (arf, arf!) Sign In. A gorilla that walks like a man has been filmed at its home in a Kent zoo, rapidly becoming a YouTube sensation as a result. Offensichtlich ist Ambams Vater auch viel auf zwei Beinen gegangen. Report. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A gorilla who became an online sensation when footage emerged of him walking like a human celebrates his 24th birthday today. "Wenn dieser Gorilla ein Haustier war, als er jung war, hat er vielleicht gelernt, aufrecht zu gehen, um die Menschen um ihn herum zu kopieren.". Dog Walks Like Human. (Upright Evolution FTW!) Gorilla Walks Like A Man; Dog Walks Like A Man. 5 years ago | 9 views. By Kristi Shinfuku Contributor at Animal Channel ODN Source: ODN Ambam the silverback gorilla has learned to be walking upright at a Kent Animal Park, and it’s capturing the eyes and ears of the internet world! Ambams Verhalten - und der Affenbipedalismus im Allgemeinen - kann Aufschluss über die Entwicklung des Bipedalismus bei den Vorfahren der Menschen geben. Menschliche und Schimpanse-Vorfahren könnten miteinander vermischt haben. Warum haben manche Leute Haare an den Knöcheln? "Aber es gibt auch eine Hypothese, dass wir zuerst aufgestanden sind, um Dinge wie hohes Gras zu sehen." 'Gorilla Walks Like A Man' Video Explained. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ein gorilla in einem zoo in großbritannien geht gerne aufrecht. 10s. It's a known fact that gorillas share close to 95% of their DNA with humans. "Ich habe Schimpansen beobachtet, die dies in Gambia taten.". Over 150,000 people have viewed the short clip on YouTube, where the 21-year-old is captured strolling around Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent. Hunt sagt, Ambams Vater hätte sein Leben als Haustier beginnen können und gelernt haben, Zweibeiner zu sein, dann hätte Ambam das Verhalten von ihm lernen können. Die 5 Größten Wissenschaftlichen Fehler, Gefälschte Mondlandung? (Upright Evolution FTW!) Gorilla walks like a man video. A video clip of the silverback Ambdam has become an internet sensation, after animal researcher Johanna Watson filmed the animal walking like a man. Join me and the rest of the Featured Creature community as we learn about the weirdest, coolest, and craziest animals out there. Gorilla at the zoo. No kidding :) 20s. Shares. A video clip of the silverback Ambdam has become an internet sensation, after animal researcher Johanna Watson filmed the animal walking like a man. Follow. Walk like a Gorilla, Talk like a Gorilla. Gorilla Walking. 00:32. Next thing you know, he'll be driving too! Gorilla Walks Like A Man - ... Wow Browse more videos. 10s. Playing next. Carly Brooke is the animal-obsessed founder and author of the award-winning animal website, The Featured, where little-known species become known. Sign Up Buri0416_raccoon . 00:38. It’s Saturday and Beth has gone to her exercise class and the store. "Schimpansen sind Fruchtfresser. Follow. Here’s the video clip and link to the full story. Ambam the gorilla who walks like a man celebrates his birthday Internet video of western lowland gorilla Ambam aping humans with his unusual habit of walking upright has been viewed nearly six … Apr 1, 2014 - This is Ambam, a bachelor Western Lowland gorilla at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent, England. I was wondering when we would admit to this somewhat repressed fact. Ambams Zookeeper sagt, er stehe auf, um Nahrung in seinen Armen zu tragen und Mauern zu überblicken. "Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, dass Schimpansen und Gorillas aufstehen, aber sie gehen normalerweise nicht sehr weit", sagte er. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. All gorillas can do it to some extent but we haven’t got any who do it like Ambam and he is quite a celebrity at the park. Forgot your password? 5th Oct 2011 12:00am | By TNT Today. If you walk around in two legs, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is crawling. 00:25. I have a confession: I love animals. Follow. But it seems Ambam the Silverback may have found the other five - as he swaggers around his enclosure like a man. Cat Pee's Like A Man. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Rumble — in the zoo, the gorilla walks like a man. Browse more videos. By Natalie Wolchover 27 January 2011. Die 10 Ig-Nobelpreisträger 2015: Penis Stings, Smooch Science Und Mehr, Hoppla! Veröffentlicht In: Seltsame Nachrichten • Ansichten: 395. Discover (and save!) Gorilla Walking. 'Gorilla Walks Like A Man' Video Erklärt. The man then unleashed the gorilla and the gorilla walks off around the bar. SMASH FLIX. I put on my gorilla suit and sit at the table to eat my cereal, a whole-grain brand Beth buys for the fiber. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 9 years ago | 701 views. Cat Pees Like A Man. Zookeepers sagen, er tut es, um über die Mauern seines Zwangs zu sehen und große Mengen an Essen mitzunehmen. Die kleinen geheimnisse des lebens bitten einen evolutionsexperten, der uns erklärt, warum. Penguin Walks On Seal Like A Boss . There’s no one home but me, and I am wearing the suit to think and to run the vacuum. Raccoon walks on two feet, like a man, along the wall. Kendini Insan Sanan Goril. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Playing next. humans by walking upright on his legs has become a Youtube sensation. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Gorilla walks like a man. 00:16. What next? 00:09. Verschwörungstheorien Fallen Entlang Der Linien Der Partei, Wetterverzögerung: Nasses Fell Hält Fledermäuse Auf Dem Boden, Papst Francis Kisses Man In Tumoren Bedeckt, Diese Schüler Möchten Eine Zeitkapsel An Den Mars Senden, Die Fußblase Des Mannes Stellt Sich Als Tödliche Fleischfressende Bakterien Heraus, 10 Völlig Falsche Fakten, Die Jeder Kennt. Rise of the Werewolf Cats: a New Breed Is Born, Fuzzy Doesn’t Mean Friendly: Red Velvet Ants, Scarlet Macaws Dance Their Tail Feathers Off to Some Rap. This is HUGE. Apr 22 BY Michael Horton. Report. Browse more videos. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. The man asked the barkeeper whether it is okay to unleash the gorilla, in which the barkeeper agreed as the gorilla seemed to be very calm. Report. A Gorilla who apes (arf, arf!) "Oder es könnte eine seltsame Persönlichkeit sein, die er genetisch geerbt hat", fügt Hunt hinzu.

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