( started using a silicone "twinkie" baker mold to pour/spoon off 4 oz chunks of the sticky liquid and i then let it evaporate for a few weeks on my back porch shelf. River and the land are littered with it. It is best to use Styrofoam egg crates for this purpose because there is less chance of the wax absorbing into the pores of the mold. White gas/ Naphthalene: works to degas and shrink it to some degree but does not soften or melt the EPS. It would take direct contact with a heated metal implement for me to see melting. According to the above site. dirt falls out to the bottom and can be dumped/composted. This article explains about top 10 styrofoam recycling tips in details. You are only in trouble when you burn it, this is when it starts to bond with oxygen forming things like carbon monoxide. To create bricks or a stone wall, use a sharp pencil to carve out the lines between the bricks. Gasoline: works but dirty, very yellow stinky foamy result in the end... and is stinky and bad for many reasons. (verrrrry long transition, can take months to feel like thick rubber. Since Styrofoam lacks the moisture the glue needs to become active, moisture must be added along with the glue. : (methyl ethyl ketone) also dissolves the product fast, ends up with a fairly bubble free end result, but is also stinky, and bad for many reasons. no, that is a different type of plastic, but if you look online there are plenty of instructaables and instructions on how to fuse bags, and also how to knit with them and more. but have not tried it. if not it can apparently be extracted from the Mint plant too. Question 2 Weeks. yep when fully hard its like any other hard plastic. sent you an email reply. Styrofoam is often difficult to recycle in many areas making coolers a great item to try and reuse. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam. on Step 6. All the air inside escapes, and it becomes a wet, gooey mess. It's best to do this project outdoors because acetone, gasoline, and other … Now she and her roommates subsist on salty soups in Styrofoam containers that they heat in the communal microwave. you can use just about any 'styrofoam' except the starch peanuts. The raw material is then reused to make recycled products. I’ve never heard of that. I had a bit of the soup and then got scared. Recycle small old Expanded Polystyrene foam insulation coolers I get monthly with a medication. When acetone is used as a solvent, the expanded polystyrene will easily dissolve and you’ll be left with a liquid acetone/polystyrene solution. Here are some important tips. The streets of the capital region are awash in styrofoam. Carrier, a term for something like a solvent, may be what im needing for the end reprocessing, folks are suggesting toluline, but, in the process im hearing about making conductive ps mixes, using toluene as the carrier. Hi!! Great Instructable! Toaster oven, or possibly even an old ezbake oven or dehydrator may work, (only needs about 200F-250F, possible to do this with an oven or other heat sources.) Rub sandpaper over these surfaces to add a little more subtle surface texture. It takes at least 500 years to decompose. I had good luck with some pressed lemon oil, rather than the purified d-limonene. I am a little obsessed with “melting” styrofoam lately. my current work involve adding some water to the bucket, to allow the PS and limonine to float on it, which lets it deal with more of the dust and dirt and other dirty waste streams. Or 21% Xyline to 79% acetone gets us down to ra of 3.2 which is the best i've pulled from the above table. rather than doing batches emptying the whole bucket as i did during a lot of my experiments. Reuse is the act of extending a products life. I have not tried, but i did a google search and there are a few youtube videos, and a good number of research papers, looks like you may need a good source of citrus peels, (perhaps you have a nearby juice bar or orange/grapefruit juice making company, and see if you can get them to give you the leftover rinds/peels. 7 Cool Ways to Reuse Styrofoam Coolers. Still, more than 2 million tons of the stuff ends up in landfills every year. (fewer bubbles in more thick/dry stock). What’s the best way to get the bubbles out? when solid, re melts at about 104C/220F(seriously this is like easy bake kids oven temperatures! And i don't think much of any is being pulled along in the solvent, making it possibly the most solvent friendly. One other thing that keeps me from doing a larger scale trial with lavender essential oils. I'll be playing around with this for sure. (lightly rinsed but not super clean). when done remove them from the heat, depending on how flexible/solventfull the starting material is, you may be able to demold it right away once it cooled, but it may be squishy still. A cup of acetone is enough to dissolve an entire bean bag's worth of styrofoam beads. i have found its just about as good at dissolving polystyrene, and may evaporate a little more quickly but for the most part its more expensive. Napalm-like fiery substances have been used since early Greek times for war purposes. In the nation of Haiti, despite two government decrees making their import and usage illegal, styrofoam cups and plates are used and littered all over the capital, as well as bought and sold, wholesale and retail, completely out in the open. It can be molded and formed. Since Styrofoam is mostly air, you may be surprised by how much (or, in the end, how little) foam will dissolve in the acetone. I am cringing a little … Continue reading "Faux Metal Letters Made From “Melted” Styrofoam" Is that "plastic" safe to use? Dec 21, 2016 - Explore Do More Blue Tucson's board "Styrofoam Upcycling!" Ethyl, like the alcohol people drink, and acetate, like acetic acid a.k.a. Im suspecting this version will still contain a fair amount of solvent, and may still take some time to dry End result was fairly white and milky with teeny bubbles, workable. almost no solvents wor with them. Just use it until all of the visible beads are melted and the surface looks like a craggy rock. Energy is not used to extract the raw material it is reused or repurposed. One of Styrofoam's most popular uses is as a construction material. Here is some information from the FDA Plastics and the Microwave. Acetone will melt it, then it gets hard again after the acetone evaporates. its amazing how much dye is in some of those! and flows nicely. here is a pretty good paper on it. 2 years ago The favorable solubility of polystyrene into p-cymene can be explained by the solubility parameter. It does take awhile to harden but once it does you have a lightweight sturdy shape that floats in water. Construction adhesives will melt with 2 lb. Theoretical mix RA of 3.8 (lower= better), But 25% d'limonene to 75% M.E.K has a theoretical RA of 3.7. Foam Densifiers transfer the material to a plastic extruder where the foam is exposed to heat and pressure to be melted into a paste. Still some room to experiment on the whole process with this. The end result was a sticky ball of wet ps. Of course, until these new options are widely available, it's best to avoid using Styrofoam cups when possible. Should I be? also makes the limonene go a but further because as it gets thicker and thicker with eps, you can still dunk/coat new eps. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam. Foam Densifiers transfer the material to a plastic extruder where the foam is exposed to heat and pressure to be melted into a paste. And relatively expensive Pros, not known to be toxic, nice smell, good clean results, not much shrinkage, re-meltable and flows well, stays glassy. It can be used with Styrofoam but there are some drawbacks. not very smelly, but i use toaster oven on a back porch. This, too, will pass, I know, but a recent US Department of Health and Human Services report provides greater cause for concern. Yes. One has been working with mixed/dirty polystyrene/eps including drink cups, and paper plates, and togo boxes. the blue in the above photos was from Insulation foam thich started out light blue, but went dark blue as it melted and lost all the air bubbles.. Once the air has all bubbled out of your solvent/eps bucket. Plarn bags and purses – made from recycled plastic bags, technologies and ideas to change the world, Toluene – A chemical cousin of benzene, toluene sees use as paint thinner, an octane booster in gasoline and a, For an extensive list of plastics and solvents click. Experiments in mixes of acetone and D'Limonene Cool tool! muffin tins, or shallow silicone drying pans. vinegar. 1 year ago. brittle, but better with the wood to help. ) Is it recyclable? I hope you enjoy this little fun activity as much and we did. An eye-popping 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of ocean! While a goo it is very flammable and is very similar to napalm. It can be used to seal small roof holes and seal cracks. Moldable plastic from styrofoam. This EPS comes from the fishing industry and the buoys they use in mussels culture. foam though, so be sure to grab one that is specified for foam or foamboard (such as one of the ones listed above) when using it. About: Im a bit of a geek of all trades. The incredibly lightweight material, used in everything from consumer electronics packaging to food-grade containers, takes a chemical toll on the human body. Why so many organic solvents are bad for you.. http://www.rroij.com/open-access/health-hazards-of-organic-solvents.php?aid=57418. you can keep stirring it in to speed things up, or you can just toss it in and snap the lid on and wait for it to all melt. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and in the jewel cases used for storage of optical discs such as CDs and occasionally DVDs), containers, lids, bottles, trays, tumblers, disposable cutlery and in the making of models. Most of us are familiar with the single use products made from Styrofoam (e.g. Here are some important tips. on Step 6. 1. In 10 months since the ban there is little to suggest that the new decree will bring about much change. The liquid must evaporate. And I really look forward to seeing what people do with their own nearly free 'Maker Goop'! Common packaging styrofoam is actually puffed polystyrene, the same polymer that’s used to make things like CD cases and plastic model parts. We melted styrofoam with nail polish remover, 100% acetone. "When you mix Styrofoam (extruded polystyrene) with gasoline, the Styrofoam breaks down. yes. this not only allows the eps to sink a bit deeper into the limonene, decreasing the solvent needed, but also the water gives food particles and other contaminants a place to settle out into, this plus the layer of limonene/polystyrene on top keeps it from smelling, and the end result eps is a little more easy to get out of the bucket because its a rubbery layer on top of the water. I have also begun some experiments with Lavender Essential Oils. a junkable spoon or spatula. it does also have the advantage of the fact it can be steam extracted from lavender and lavender will grow here whereas i cant grow much citrus for d-limonene. Question Reply Does it harden to action figure level hardness? Below are some notes on my experiments on found on Degasifying the EPS (EPS is 90-99% empty space, and 1%-10% Polystyrene. Might be good for just strictly commercial use, this may also vary by formulation, D-limonene: works great on plain white ps, will dissolve quite a lot per oz, nice smell, not known to be toxic, leaves the ps very clear (sometimes a slight yellowing) virtually no bubbles, long glass transition. If left out to dry, it gets hard again, but not like before, without the air - it resembels plastic." The Ottoman: Styrofoam shipping containers are almost exactly the same size as your typical ottoman, so why not make one of your own.It can be as simple as adding some fabric with pins and glue… but rollers and legs are also possibilities. It takes very little of the gasoline or other liquid to “melt” the styrofoam. do you know if there is a DIY way to create D-limonene easily at home? If left out to dry, it gets hard again, but not like before, without the air – it resembles hard plastic. My local hardware store generally keeps these in stock, so if I’m running low I can pick more up in a pinch. First steps were to isolate a way to turn it from foam into a liquid to both save space, and make it useable. Our city has no program that accepts EPS, and so I looked into some experiments with it, and in the process come up with a 'Easy' technique to Recycle EPS (Expanded Polystyrene Foam) not only reducing its size, but also making it into something usable/useful (im calling it “Maker Goop” for now). i suspect if i could do heat and vacuum perhaps, but it felt like the drying time was about the same or slower. Have you found a way to re-expand it into foam in a new shape? easy? Please note, if you want to work with a colored end product, its pretty easy at this step to add some other #6 PS objects such as a Red Solo cup, or colored disposable plastic picnic plate or whatnot. Styrofoam boards are used for insulation in buildings, in roads, and by florists, to name a few. All the air inside escapes, and it becomes a wet, gooey mess. a little more brittle than action figures, but over the span of about a month or two in good ventalation unless suepr thick (like more than a inch thick) they will harden to a resin like plastic hardness. Very interesting stuff. The chemicals given off by melting and/or burning polymers (including stryrofoam) vary with the temperatures, but they present a serious threat to firefighters. 'Melting' the EPS, starts with breaking it up into chunks that you can put into your bucket, and then simply adding a few ounces of D-limonene solvent to the bucket and then start feeding EPS into it and let it dissolve in the process the gasses in the foam will bubble out. (feels kinda like how dice feel). Styrofoam is made from a common plastic called polystyrene and it mixed with air. Polysevert uses Cymene to do what im doing with limonene info on the solvent here. D-limonene (this is an essential oil extracted from orange peels) you only need a few ounces per LB of EPS. Does Gorilla Glue eat Styrofoam? When you mix Styrofoam (extruded polystyrene) with gasoline or acetone, the Styrofoam breaks down. https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-%22make%22-plastic/, About Solvents: https://www.masterorganicchemistry.com/2012/04/27/polar-protic-polar-aprotic-nonpolar-all-about-solvents/. A popular brand of polystyrene foam is called Styrofoam™. Acetone: Works great, turns it into a slurry of dissolved polystyrene that will eventually evaporate thicken and then finally harden, most of the gas is lost, but the acetone gets trapped eventually and blows bubbles into the slowly solidifying stuff, making it bubbly and less than ideal to cast with. Im sure its possible there are folks in cannabis inustry doing closed loop solvent extractions with various solvents including limonene. If everyone just did this step, and digested down all the packing styrofoam they get we could save a bunch of landfill space. The end effect is that the mass of polystyrene breaks apart releasing the trapped air, and forms into a mass of new hydrocarbon chains, which forms some fort of amorphous solid, a slimy film of the Ethane-styrene bonded chains and gasoline. We have only tried with traditional chemical products and the results are good but very toxic and that is not what we are looking for. Styrofoam monopolizes precious landfill space; plus, scientists believe it can potentially persist in its solid form for thousands of years. no bags are PP or PE not PS plastics. Many possibilities here. Step 5 Use the pointed end of the scissors to rough up any completely flat sides you have to the Styrofoam. I really need to get rid of those bags! ive mostly fixed this by transfering it from the bucket into a cookie sheet and letting it dry out flat until i can flip it. kicking out about 55ml of liquid although im estimating since i spilled some, wound up with a slightly milky 50 ml of liquid, im letting see if any settles, ideally in the future id love to try and absorb the water out, (perhaps with water beads? but i do hear you need a fair amount of peels/mint to make much limonene. However, since it is a plastic, styrofoam will melt … When acetone is used as a solvent, the expanded polystyrene will easily dissolve and you’ll be left with a liquid acetone/polystyrene solution. I have also not investigated only using acetone vapors, perhaps a bucket with a pie tin in it with acetone under it, and ps, and a lid. Other experiment notes and links: Tried this mix, using a 50ml test tube filled it with 43ml acetone and about 7ml limonene, and absorbed EPS until it stopped accepting more. Reply It’s also not the easiest thing to … Also do I kneed it to get some of the liquid out or should I just let it sit out the moment i remove it from liquid to let it dry? 25 days ago Pure ethanol mixed with pure anhydrous vinegar, and about as toxic as those. The slow drying time is a disadvantage of the Limonene, but it being nontoxic, biodegradable, renewable, and pleasantly citrus scented, are a good trade off for the slow thickening time. When polystyrene is sent to the landfill, it is quickly covered and this process deprives it of water and oxygen, which would normally help it to break down. Thanks for your attention. Only use microwave approved containers to cook or reheat food. In the last year i have experimented with some more techniques. please keep me posted on any successes/failures. this helps it thicken enough to be removable and handleable although after 2 weeks the solvent is enough to still feel squishy like a gummy bear, it can be demolded from the drying pan, and flipped over to allow for better drying. on Pinterest. How It Works . you should have a pretty clear goo (if using white polystyrene) next step is to spoon out some of it into some sort of wide flat drying dish. and the Polystyrene will turn into a runny goo when it touches the solvent. As evidenced by its ubiquity in the world of food and drink containers, it insulates exceptionally well. so a little goes a long way, although more solvent melts the foam faster, but then you have more solvent to remove later. Xyline: also dissolves the product fast, but takes a good long time to dry, and is stinky and bad for many reasons. https://www.hansen-solubility.com/HSP-science/sol... https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10086-009-1073-x. Styrofoam is a very good insulator, and it can be used to insulate pet houses, greenhouses, and other outdoor buildings. For a faster drying but still low toxicity solvent, I'm also having good luck with ethyl acetate. Toluline: works much like limonene stinkier but faster has many more health risks. The process of recycling Styrofoam involves feeding the collected expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam through conveyor belts into a machine that first shreds the material. i have found the EPS and limonene will float on water, so you can pour several cups of water in, to the bucket first. Keep in mind that styrofoam is flammable, so it shouldn’t be used inside a house or inside a structure that might contain fire hazards. Melt away the Styrofoam beads that are visible in most white Styrofoam with a hot air gun. the color of your end product may depend on the grade and color of your starting foam. Because of the slow drying time, its handy to do largeish batches, because once they are dried to this state, you can cut them up into smaller chunks or leave them for use. Considering how little styrofoam weights the volume of the waste is staggering. cut off chunks and pile them on the things you want it to flow into, and then drop it in your toaster oven, set to 210F the solvent helps lower the melting point of the plastic down from the 250F-300F pure polystyrene, and bake it at 210F for about 30-45 min if there are any bubbles, you can gently pat the surface with a spatula or other poker to get them to pop. I also found that if you use a 5 gallon bucket or larger you can put about a gallon of water in first, and all the Limonene floats, as does the polystyrene. Lacquer thinner: slow, does soften it and degasify it, but not fully dissolve it, and is stinky and bad for many reasons. And stay that way at elevated heat (80F and plenty of circulation for months.) However, since it is a plastic, styrofoam will melt at high temperatures. I love your work and the passion you put in it! Question Next time heat the soup in a glass or ceramic container or microwave safe cookware. muffin tins, or shallow silicone drying pans. https://www.ebay.com/itm/D-Limonene-100-FOOD-GRAD... https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/09/world/miranda-wang-... Altair - a Tripod Mounted Refracting Telescope, https://sites.uci.edu/chem52labs/files/2016/10/M52LA_Exp5_F16UP2.pdf. It does not naturally degrade and will last for years. ‘Maker Goop’ Can be handy for making small plastic parts, castings, or just to make the EPS a flowable product for makers, or for Recyclers which could have the solvents extracted and reused commercially, or burned (as is done in the EU for power. The styrofoam was melted by using acetone and the produced fibers were varied in diameter. Napalm is the generic name for the mixture of a flammable petroleum substance, typically diesel gasoline, with a thickening or gelling agent to give the fiery substance “sticky” properties. Thank you! It can take a few days for the goo to become solid again. Once you have some ingots of PS and limonene that have dried enough to be thick gummy bear consistency, its easy to tear it apart of cut it with scissors for cutting it into bits to fill molds with. link to ebay seller of good quality 99% pure limonene i used. Use styrofoam cement products for external applications: insulating roof treatments, wall plasters and outer brick walls. If you have any more information, pictures or experiments you have tried it would help us. I've not really worked with water crashed out eps much yet, did it two times and all, may try baking it after drying it to see if it will melt back into a puck. "When you mix Styrofoam (extruded polystyrene) with gasoline, the Styrofoam breaks down. My concern was pressure from the gasses released. Foams are also used for non-weight-bearing architectural structures (such as ornamental pillars). And dries white, one neat thing is its totally not sticky. relatively.. just need a mound of orange peels. The incredibly lightweight material, used in everything from consumer electronics packaging to food-grade containers, takes a chemical toll on the human body . Is that "plastic" safe to use? The process of recycling Styrofoam involves feeding the collected expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam through conveyor belts into a machine that first shreds the material. Of late most of my free energy has going into Making sure our hacker/makerspace is awesome! Limonene sadly is not water absorbable so not sure how mixes of acetone/limonene will work, and results of drying lomonine under water have lead to very milky results and super slow drying time. A foam food container is a form of disposable food packaging for various foods and beverages, such as processed instant noodles, raw meat from supermarkets, ice cream from ice cream parlors, cooked food from delicatessens or food stalls, or beverages like "coffee to go". 9 years ago. Styrofoam monopolizes precious landfill space; plus, scientists believe it can potentially persist in its solid form for thousands of years. What happens if the Styrofoam container, within which I’m heating my food, has melted a bit? and then its a pretty simple "essential oil" distilation. 8 months ago Polystyrene is also used to make drinking cups and food containers – the hard plastic ones and also the soft foamy ones. https://www.hansen-solubility.com/HSP-science/sol... Looks like 87% d-limonene to 13% Acetone by volume should do the best melt. M.E.K. I'm curious about a need for a lid for the bucket used to melt the EPS. The dissolving power of p-cymene [212.0 g (100 g solvent)−1] to polystyrene at 50°C compared favorably with those of 2-p-cymenol [156.7 g (100 g solvent)−1], (R)-limonene and its structural isomers [181.7–197.1 g (100 g solvent)−1], and Abies leaf oil [84.7 g (100 g solvent)−1]. Did you make this project? you can use just about any 'styrofoam' except the starch peanuts. 22-Plastic/, about solvents: https: //sites.uci.edu/chem52labs/files/2016/10/M52LA_Exp5_F16UP2.pdf 100 % acetone by volume do. A medication worth of styrofoam 's most popular uses is as a glue or.! Use uses for melted styrofoam cement products for external applications: insulating roof treatments, wall and. About a need for a lid for the goo using clean styrofoam packaging and coloured PS glasses... Be extracted from the fishing industry and the colours look amazing mixed/dirty polystyrene/eps including cups. I ca n't find this product, you could dissolve styrofoam in gasoline just as easily 'll be playing with... 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Just one of styrofoam 's most popular uses is as a glue or.! % pure limonene i used about any 'styrofoam ' except the starch peanuts limonene i used for is styrofoam chain! And by florists, to name a few ounces per LB of EPS into... Like a craggy rock, one neat thing is its totally not sticky except the starch peanuts melt! Solvents: https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-Cymene, more than 2 million tons of styrofoam 's most popular is! Injection molding rig too almost quantitatively from the polystyrene dissolves in the developing world styrofoam melt mix RA of (! Scientists believe it can be used to insulate pet houses, greenhouses, and by florists, name. At this point i 'm also having good luck with some more techniques find it in Chile but n't. Solution by simple steam distillation for you.. http: //katu.com/news/local/tigard-company-plans-to-recycle-tons-of-hard-to-recycle-styrofoam-plastics, and paper plates, and mixed! Many reasons never really seen any melt even with very hot liquid them! New options are widely available, it insulates exceptionally well got scared here is some information from the vapours of.
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