Substance and subject overlap in lack as the only point they have in common—but how to understand this? All except one, that is, a conspicuous exception: the lithograph by Ludwig Sebbers, which shows Hegel at home, sitting at his desk, wearing a dressing gown and something like a nightcap. It is not important for me whether Hegel indeed claimed that the number of planets can't exceed 7 - I believe that this is true, I don't need supplementary evidences for this. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thought and world intersect in the void. Both tend to produce either zealous followers or equally zealous enemies; they still retain the capacity to provoke passions, although the nature of their excesses is opposite. asked Jan 27 '14 at 9:05. The Hegelian notion of being entirely depended on negativity and scission, and the step implied by Ver- is the scission of the very scission. The very soul of each is a lack, their soul is a lack in the soul that moves them. It is often argued that between 1967 and 1974 Godard operated under a misguided assessment of the effervescence of the social and political situation and produced the equivalent of “terrorism” in filmmaking. I will not dwell on interpretation of this here—volumes have been written on this single sentence (in particular by Slavoj Žižek)—I will have to assume some of that. This image of the nightcap and the gaps in the structure of universe, picturesque and entertaining as it is, is no doubt also naïve and reliant on an indiscriminate view of philosophy as a whole, as well as of Hegel in particular. This gap is not exhausted by the alternatives “this is not my mother” and “this is my mother.” Negation and affirmation are placed on the same level without affecting the form of repression, irreducible to its content.16, To negate something in a judgment is, at bottom, to say: “This is something which I should prefer to repress.” A negative judgment is the intellectual substitute for repression; its “no” is the hallmark of repression, a certificate of origin—like, let’s say, “Made in Germany.” With the help of the symbol of negation, thinking frees itself from the restrictions of repression.17. Terry Pinkard (2010), 20. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Personage and influence: In his classroom Hegel was more impressive than fascinating. As Geist moves through history, it takes on different shapes as it imagines itself in different ways and thus is, for those thinking about it, a moving target. The unalloyed unconscious, the virgin unconscious, never presents itself as such, “in person,” its gaps and inconsistencies are rather always already at least partly filled in and made presentable. There is a crack in being, already encapsulated by the void in ancient atomism, like a place that was waiting for the subject, as it were. Huxley's quote express something quite different, than Hegel's. With it, language names something that is not, and its capacity to name non-being is what makes it language. What these six words have in common, at first glance, is the prefix Ver-, which the Wahrig dictionary defines first as Abweichen, or deviation, digression, straying away. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. So let’s just take a peek at “cultural Hegelianism” and its effects upon marriage. Yes; the first page of the article concern the "so said" error contained in Hegel's. The story of German idealism is the story of Kant and the aftermath. He was born at Stuttgart, and received an elementary education at the schools of that city. He was particularly fond of the last two lines of the same poem, although he never referred them to Hegel in particular but only to philosophy in general. By analogy, one could say that Freud’s treatment of perversion in the Three Essays poses the following question: What are all the perversions, all the deviations from the usual sexual object or goal, compared to sexuality as such, which is in itself nothing but a massive deviation? Freud starts off with the elementary, notorious case of the patient who says, “You ask me who this person in the dream can be. “Die Ungleichheit, die im Bewußtsein zwischen dem Ich und der Substanz, die sein Gegenstand ist, stattfindet, ist ihr Unterschied, dasNegativeüberhaupt. As far as perversion is concerned, in a more limited and technical sense, disavowal can be understood in the Freudian account of fetishism, the fetish as something that fills the void by its fascinating presence, disavows castration and lack by clinging to the object veiling the void, as in Freud’s famous scenario. If there is a scission, then it is between what and what?7]. Hegel, in order to illustrate it and give this stance a pedigree stretching back to the very beginnings of the history of philosophy, links it to ancient atomism. There are about half a dozen extant portraits of Hegel, which depict him at various ages. I am asking about something else: whether he ever pronounced this phrase, "worse for the facts". Mauro, I still think that we do not understand each other. Does it cointain a reference to the source? They both stand in excess, such that when one invokes their names the temperature rises, it seems that there is no way one could speak about one or the other from the point of view of neutral, objective, and impartial knowledge, to allot them a just place in the gallery of great minds, as if both, although for opposing reasons, represented something that established knowledge—what Lacan economically called the university discourse—cannot quite swallow. Sigmund Freud, Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious(Penguin Freud Library, vol. Do methamphetamines give more pleasure than other human experiences? Repression presents, even at first blush, an enlarged case of the thread I have been following, the failure of negation. “The atom affected by deviation engenders the Whole without any rest or trace of this affection. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. See the paper Hegel and the Seven Planets (1992), by Edward Craig & Michael Hoskin, in This is from the appendix on Lucretius in The Logic of Sense: Clinamen or declination has nothing to do with the slanting movement which would come to modify by accident a vertical fall. They show a particular preference for combining contraries into a unity or for representing them as one and the same thing. The novelty of cogito was precisely that it discarded the previous modes of thought about subjectivity (soul, consciousness, individuality) and introduced the subject at the point of a break in the great chain of being. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1770-1831. Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, 429–30. On the one hand: not only a German, but seemingly a German par excellence, a model of German spirit, or even the Prussian state philosopher, as the adage goes; on the other hand: a Jew who already in his young days experienced the pressure of anti-Semitism and eventually, despite his fame, lived his final days in exile, his books burned by a regime that was, ironically, evoking Hegel. The subject is what pushes it beyond itself, it is nothing but this disparity, the invisible part that causes disparity (Ungleichheit). The most massive testimony of this is Plato’s Sophist, which hinges entirely on the capacity of language to infuse being with non-being. Subject, as Hegel understands this entity, is no positive being and has no being, it is to be placed in the break, and this is what pushes each entity into unrest (eben diese Unruhe ist das Selbst)—the self is nothing but the unrest of one, its split, it dwells in the impossibility of any entity being equal to itself. To round off this quick panorama of the rest of the Freudian Ver- words, I can only give some hasty hints about the remaining two. The concept of repression entails two further Ver- concepts, that of Verdichtung and Verschiebung, condensation and displacement, which for Freud name the basic mechanism of the dream-work, Traumarbeit. There is a gap in the Hegelian negation (of negation), lurking at the very same spot, not somewhere else. What is, for example, the death drive but a thrust of pure insistence that can never quite be pinned to facts. Are the atom and the void enough for this split? Starting in 1836, Marx began studying at the University of Berlin where Hegel himself had taught up until his death in 1831. Explore the most recent content from e-flux architecture and urbanism, Keep up-to-date on all upcoming talks, screenings, and exhibitions at e-flux in New York, I have read e-flux’s privacy policy and agree that e-flux may send me announcements to the email address entered above and that my data will be processed for this purpose in accordance with e-flux’s privacy policy*. Let me take clinamen as a simple red thread. Hegel could write elegant, figurative passages when inspired. Merold Westphal, "Kierkegaard and Hegel", in The Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard (1998) So much the worse for the facts! Thank you! Clinamen is the originary determination of the direction of movement of an atom.12, So clinamen has always already happened, it is the disparity inscribed in the definition of the atom from the outset, its disparity with itself. Get a selection of exhibition reviews and news from galleries, art fairs, and magazines, Receive the guide to all the news related to art education across the world, Escaping From Exile by Belonging to an Exiled Land, The Nigerian Connection: On NSK Passports as Escape and Entry Vehicles, No Good Time for an Exhibition: Reflections on the Picasso in Palestine Project, Part II, Politics of Hate in the USA, Part II: Right-Wing Mysticism and Beliefs, Between Objective Engagement and Engaged Cinema: Jean-Luc Godard’s “Militant Filmmaking” (1967–1974), Part I. Which English translation of Hegel's 'Science of Logic' would you recommend? Starting from there, we could say that sexuality as such is for Freud defined by Abirrung, Abweichung, in one word, by a clinamen from the path of natural causality and the satisfaction of physiological needs. Psychoanalysis, which has contributed so much to sexual emancipation, has always also been skeptical of that as a salutary solution.) One could say, following Heine, “spirit is a nightcap.”. Ver- is like a clinamen of nein, something inside and within the Hegelian negation of negation, yet slightly off track. Ah! On the other hand, to declare that the ends justify the means is equally empty, because everything the means are just as much a consequence of an action as the end. But this move is not something that happens in the high realms of spirit; rather, it is working already in the unconscious, which can only proceed by effacing itself and which cannot help but make sense. And if Hegelian absolute knowledge is to be conceived not as an ultimate filling-in of the crack—the gap in the structure of the universe—but as the way to ultimately maintain it, in a gesture where the crack would be self-reflexively predicated upon itself, then the Freudian unconscious is a crack within this crack itself. The unconscious and the philosopher are a couple in an odd division of labor: one makes the holes, the other fills them in. What are all these petty thieves compared to the systematic, legalized, long-term robbery perpetrated by banks? Let’s say, e.g. In late July 2010, Borut Vogelnik and Miran Mohar (two members of the IRWIN group and representatives of the NSK State in Time) and myself (curator, artistic director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein [HMKV], and diplomat of the NSK State in Time) set out on a trip to Lagos, Nigeria. Lacan caused some scandal with his claim that cogito is the subject of the unconscious, which is in direct opposition to the general view that no two things could be further apart than the Cartesian rational subject and the vagaries of the unconscious. Hegel was one of the most well-known historicist philosopher, and his thought presaged continental philosophy, including postmodernism. To arrive at a universality from that position demands a speculative effort no lesser than Hegel’s. Heinrich Heine, Heimkehr LVIII. The foreclosed negation materializes itself in the very positivity of reality. Yet the unconscious philosopher, stopping the gaps and providing sense, is usually less successful than his conscious counterpart. There is an opposite trajectory to trace: Hegel places himself in the realm of universality from the outset, but this initial universality can only be an empty one that immediately has to lose itself, has to pass into its other if it is to be universal at all, has to espouse and encompass all factuality in its own movement of self-othering (Sichanderswerden), and can be a concept only if it has the power to fully embrace its other, that is, by the process of its mediation—there is no concept outside its mediation with its other. He saw his task not as filling in the cracks, but as producing a scission where there seemed to be none, a scission that enables any positive entity. : a) a dialectical matrix covered by the word alienation, the idea of a simple term which deploys itself by its becoming-other in order to come back to itself as a fulfilled concept; b) a dialectical matrix whose operator is the scission, the theme ‘there is no unity except a ruptured one’ [il n’y a d’unité que scindé, Modified from G. W. F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. To push the paradox further, how can we bring together Hegel’s claim to absolute knowledge and the nightcap and the scraps of the dressing gown? of a non-symmetrical contradiction which cannot be sublated into a higher unity.]. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is probably the most important and influential philosopher of the last 200 years. Here, Hegel fails with regard to his own standards. This is the model example of negation which has turned into a proverb, “this is not my mother,” a negation that doesn’t hit its mark, doesn’t manage to negate the mother. It is present since always: it is not a secondary movement nor a secondary determination of movement which would occur at a certain moment at a particular place. If facts contradict to my theory, the worse for the facts - Georg Hegel Quotes at in "Hegel: three studies"), reserves his more "Hegelian" thoughts to a consideration of Marx's discussion of the commodity form in "Capital I" (Part 1, ch. Like in a dream condensation, the two words are fused together in a single German word, Verneinung. Here we would actually come to an attitude that would embody Heine’s and Freud’s image of philosophy as filling in the cracks—the pervert would be someone who would not merely use the nightcap as a means at hand to fill the cracks, but would even turn it into an object of veneration. But here is an edge: are Hegel and Freud speaking about the same crack? Hegel’s atom, his elementary particle, is thus the atom itself in this precise sense: that which cannot be divided any further is the division, the split on which any unity is premised. Freud, who was so fond of puns and contingent word encounters, never spent any time pondering this Ver- which brings together his key terms as in a dream condensation. Or is it merely an external addition? 3/AUG, P.208, 1992. Did Hegel indeed say this -- “the worse for the facts!” -- when somebody told him "your theory contradicts the facts!"? Of course, one can find all kinds of reasons for repression, one can invoke the repressive sexual morality that tries to prevent a certain content from being accepted in consciousness, determined by sanctions and taboos, but in this way one would focus on the content of repression and overlook its form. This is Hegel at his most minimal—the place of the subject, in the adage “substance is subject,” is nothing other than this scission itself, this cut in being introduced by the void as the moving principle. It can be viewed as the lack [Mangel] of the two, but it is their very soul, that is, it is what moves them. Philosophy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. It is not a secondary fate that would befall the atom in itself in its supposed straight path—once one has departed from the path, one supposes the straight direction, but a direction that doesn’t exist in itself. Yet for once, Hegel proposed the fundamental adage that everything depends on a single statement, namely, that the true is not to be comprehended only as a substance but equally as a subject—in brief, substance is subject. One could say, rather simply and massively, that “no” stands at the very kernel of language, that is, that it is something that exists only in language and has no “natural” counterpart. Atomization is a simple and radical way to submit matter to count, to reduce it to indivisible countable elements (which can be counted as one), but in the very same move this atomic element, this elementary particle, introduces the void, in which atoms move and which is indeed the very principle of their movement, das Bewegende. Hegel’s deceptively simple claim is to apply thought to history (H 78) where ‘the sole conception [or thought] that [philosophy] brings … is the simple conception of reason—the conception that reason governs the world, and that therefore world history is a rational process’ (79). He is the author of a number of books, sucha as A Voice and Nothing More (2006) most recently (with Slavoj Zizek) Opera’s Second Death. Interpretation happens during the dream, on the part of the dream, prior to any conscious interpretation. One has to maintain the stance of science to get to it, but encore un effort is called for in order to extend the enterprise of Galilean science into such tiny cracks as dreams, slips, and jokes. On the one hand: the speculative philosopher of absolute spirit whose system encompassed every sphere of being – logic, nature, and spirit – and who is reputed to be the most obscure and difficult in the entire grand philosophical tradition; on the other hand: a man of medical formation, a therapist who in all his work took clinical practice as his guideline and only gradually extended some... Far from providing the natural foundation of human lives, sexuality is the very terrain where humans detach themselves from nature: the idea of sexual perversion or of a deadly sexual passion is totally foreign to the animal universe. Life and the world’s too fragmented for me! “Zu fragmentarisch ist Welt und Leben! Or this was just a joke? More pointedly: the subject of psychoanalysis is not only the Ver- of cogito, but the Ver- of that understanding of cogito brought to extremity, at the end of the grand philosophical tradition, by absolute knowledge. So what holds together the two terms of this notorious proposition, the substance and the subject? — the only genuine source of Hegel quotes on the internet, where you can verify the quote and read it in its context. According to Hegel, modern tragedy surpasses the ancient in representing modernity's mark of developed self-consciousness, which essentially overturns the place of the substantive ties to family and state that Hegel placed over the entrance to the ancient tragedy. The secondary revision can never quite cover up the marks and vestiges of the primary process—and if in some very rare cases it does, if it manages to come up with a narrative “faultlessly logical and reasonable,” then Freud tells us that those are the toughest cases to interpret: Dreams which are of such kind have been subjected to a far-reaching revision by this psychical function that is akin to waking thought; they appear to have a meaning, but that meaning is as far removed as possible from their true significance.6. Negation may well enable the acceptance of certain content, but what persists as recalcitrant to negation and its lifting is the very gap into which the content is placed. —Jean Genet 1 If you think that modern philosophers have a … Not the desperate haphazard means of filling the crack, but the object to be savored, the partial object rendered whole. They are like Freud’s versions of what Hegel called, in the beginning of his Encyclopedia, “drei Stellungen des Gedanken zur Objektivität.”. Hegel, by Martin Heidegger, was the second text to appear from division three of the Heidegger Gesamtausgabe, the first of which was Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event).The volume was originally published in German in 1993, four years after the first edition of the Contributions.Since that time, a total of sixteen volumes have appeared from division three with only two more remaining … Hegel, the philosopher of the System. Can there be a Galilean science of these tiny things? The Usual Form of Events We produce integrated, pre and power amplifiers as well as CD players and some of the most modern and sophisticated D/A converters. As a last name Hegel was the 31,251 st most popular name in 2010. This very literal “negation of negation” makes negation omnipresent; precisely in its absence “no” is present in every word. The following text, which is the second of three installments, traces back to a conversation I had with Mike Kelley in 1994, “Too Young to be a Hippy, Too Old to be a Punk.” 1 Christophe Tannert at Kunstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin had invited us to discuss underground political and aesthetic culture in the US for the first issue of Bethanien’s Be Magazin . Freud, with the opposite claim to an errant truth with no guarantee and no usual verification, which denies him academic credentials. What happened to the negativity and the split between Hegel and Freud? How many burns does New Shepard have during a descent? Recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the fulfillment of philosophy ( TWA 19 ),.! Lukács to Fichte, but without references different in the soul that moves them this... Void nor something third, but Universal history '' 8 minimal element is this division itself, not positive. To speak, twice something that strangely connects Hegel and Freud the philosopher g. 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