This is also the first segment where hikers will frequently encounter pockets of snow deep into June and sometimes July. How to thru-hike the Colorado Trail from end to end complete with a detailed and zoomable interactive map of the entire 486 mile long distance trail. Check out my virtual trail guide of segment 6 of the Colorado Trail below! Beautiful hike. Stunning views! Required fields are marked *. General Trail Information: Colorado Trail Segment 6, Virtual Trail Guide: Colorado Trail Segment 6, Colorado Trail Segment 6 Rating: ★★★★ (⅘  Stars), Difficulty: Difficult Difficulty System Explained, Season: Late June- Early November (Expect snow outside of this period). Silver, CO 80498 Not to mention, there were a lot of actual mountain bikers that passed by. This Map Pack combines the entire standard route into a single easy to purchase product. Here’s the trail, segment by segment: After finishing the descent from Georgia pass (mile 18ish according to the default map) the trail becomes very obviously heavily used by mountain bikers. At over 30 miles, this is the longest segment of the Colorado Trail. Fairplay, CO 80440 Backpacked this trail last weekend with my wife. We hiked around a few but passed over most just fine. 4/5. - Find the best hiking in Colorado. Photos. Make it a Loop: This is an out and back hike. I stealth camped on Gold Hill. Segment 24 to Segment 28 Durango sits at the Southwestern entrance of the Colorado Trail and shown above is an interactive map representing the last four sections of the total twenty eight. Colorado Trail Segment 11 & CW1 Hike Trail Guide, Canyonlands National Park Needles District Trail Guide, *Links included in this description might be affiliate links. Georgia pass was beautiful and not surprisingly, super windy! The closer you get to the end of the segment, the worse camping options get. For Segment 5 (Long Gulch Trailhead to Kenosha East Trailhead), bikes are not allowed beyond/east of the Rock Creek Road/NFSR 133 from the Rock Creek Trailhead. Access to Water: In general, this segment has fairly common water sources but there is a stretch between miles 20 and 28 that are very dry. Trail was amazing. Make it a Loop: Colorado Trail Segment 5 is an out and back hike. Best to bring snowshoes and full snow gear when crossing Georgia Pass. Don't plan to hang out at the creeks! Hiking the Colorado Trail: Segment 1 and 2 I am blessed to live within a 30-minute drive of the Colorado Trail. As you reach the top and descend to the Peaks Trail, you enter the forest again. Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. Trail Summary: The Colorado Trail is a 485 mile hike that starts near Denver and ends in Durango, Colorado. Once you leave the Monarch Crest Trail, things start to get interesting.It opens up with great views … Parking: Kenosha Pass has plenty of parking along the road, you will be hard pressed to not find a spot. Beautiful fall colors just beginning to change! Segment 6 is a true Colorado Trail gem! We had originally planned to start in Durango (segment 28) and work our way northbound. The trailhead for both segment 5 and Colorado Trail segment 6 is right off of highway 285, a major artery out of Denver. The Colorado Trail has an average elevation of over 10,000 feet (3,048 meters), which shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are great views, Aspen groves and wild flowers all along the trail.. We absolutely loved this trip and would definitely do it again. Questions or comments about our hike along Colorado Trail Segment 6? Jackie, Juno and I finally found a pair of days that we thought would be ideal to hike this segment. Typically, this will not be a deal breaker for through or segment hikers and will not require additional gear but you should expect to have to cross or circumnavigate snow if you plan on hiking around this time. Segment 6 of the Colorado Trail is notorious for holding snow and blocking hikers looking to attempt it far into June and even sometimes in July. Mick’s Tip: If you plan on camping during segment 6 of the Colorado Trail, I would highly advise against camping in the last 5 miles or so. Dogs: Like all segments (except for number 1), this hike is dog friendly hike, but be sure to pack lots of water for your pup as the miles do get hot and long, especially in the summer. We did hike into the night a bit which I do think helped prevent punching through too much. We got to the trailhead off 285 around 6am and had no problems with parking. The entire trail and intersections are well marked and easy to follow. Colorado Trail Segment 5 is by far the most pretty of the first 5 segments while working through 14.6 miles of hiking and 1,858 feet of elevation gain. Recorded Message: 970-468-5434 Jackie and I originally planned on spending 2 nights on this segment but due to odd spacing of camping spots and water sources, we decided to just knock it out in two days. The Hike Maps Denver Post photo editor Dean Krakel is spending part of 2015 hiking The Colorado Trail. The vert was not as bad as we were expecting... none of the sections were steep, just long slots uphill at mild to moderate grades. Box 219 We chose to end this segment at Deckers Rd. Mountain bikers and thru hikers were in no shortage, but not enough to be too much. The Colorado Trail: Map of the Home Stretch! We had to turn around due to the weather. Snowed on us camping just before Georgia pass but an amazing segment for sure!! The trail is primarily used for hiking, camping, mountain biking, and backpacking and is best used from May until October. Pin. The initial miles are rough, but you can put down a decent pace. This review is only for out and back from the Kenosha Pass West trailhead to the Georgia Pass. The Colorado Trail is a long-distance trail extending for 486 miles from the mouth of Waterton Canyon southwest of Denver to Durango in Colorado. Whether thru-hiking the trail or section hiking the trail, hiking The Colorado Trail is a great accomplishment. Our hiking plan was to go only to the Georgia Pass, spend the night and hike back down the next day. Bring extra. The ride starts at a high elevation pass alternating a few warm-up climbs with downhill sections before taking on a long climb to Georgia Pass, which tops out just shy of … Fun fun fun!! As always, please keep your dog on a leash whenever possible during this hike and pick up after them. Just take hwy 285 southwest from Denver until you reach Kenosha Pass and there is the Colorado Trail trailhead. Nice sunny day. It's hard to find 30+ miles of singletrack which leaves you wishing there was more at the rides end. Trail on South Platte River and Spring Creek in Pike National Forest. Segment 7. That was a lot of downhill! In fact, it includes the first pass of the hike - Georgia Pass. This is also the first segment where hikers will frequently encounter pockets of snow deep into June and sometimes July. Kenosha Pass to Gold Hill Trailhead. Colorado Trail segment 5 on Trailsnet. Colorado Trail from Kenosha Pass to Georgia Pass, Webster, Radical Hill and Saints John OHV Trails, Kenosha Pass to Georgia Pass and West Jefferson, Wilderness on Wheels Mountain Boardwalk [CLOSED], Red Cone, Webster Pass, Radical Hill, Middle Fork Swan River OHV Route. Segment 6 starts at Kenosha Pass and ends at Gold Hill trailhead just outside of Breckenridge. I can see how this trail would be beautiful for leaf peeping any other year, the early freeze this year must have really affected the aspens up here. The Colorado Trail (CT) stretches 486 miles from Denver to Durango, and is divided into 28 segments. Camping: This segment offers a ton of great camping spots with plenty of camping before and after Georgia Pass. A little dusty in the second half, can get very hot, a couple alleged water sources were dry. Great views of the peaks above Breckenridge. Box 620 Segments of the CT. Although there was a small, lush pine grove, this segment mostly traverses through a burn scar from a fire in 1996. However, the CT was closed near Durango due to the 416 fire.As an alternative, we decided to start at segment 8 and work our way southbound. ELEVATION: average ~10,300 feet ROUTE: well maintained, popular trail, signed junctions GUIDEBOOK: Colorado Trail 9th Edition DATA BOOK: 7th Edition Expect many exposed areas and not much shade. It’s about 5 miles from both Breckenridge and Frisco. Like. The CT starts on the right side of the parking area across from the restrooms. You can watch the virtual trail guide of Colorado Trail Segment 6 below and check out some pictures from our hike. Â. 320 Hwy. Below is a description for Colorado Trail Segment 7. Starting at the parking area at the top of Kenosha Pass, the Colorado Trail, hikers will make their way over approximately 30 miles to Breckenridge. Go up hill off trail When post holes end for 1/2 mileish to avoid deep snow. There's still tons of snow about 8 miles in. Colorado Trail Segment 6 is the longest segment of the entire CT at just under 33 miles. Trail Map. Did trail run from Kenosha pass to the high ridge line about 1 mi before Georgia Pass. Note: This segment is mapped from the point where the Colorado Trail leaves Monarch Crest Trail to keep things clean on the map. Waypoints (0) Segment 6 — Kenosha Pass to Goldhill Trailhead. It's doubtful you can hike it in a single day. Colorado Trail: Segment 6 Hiking Virtual Trail Guide - YouTube The route links eight groups of mountains, six National Forests, and six Wilderness Areas in one of the most coveted high … South Park and Dillon Ranger Districts: Trail Map The following map shows most of Colorado Trail segment six from its eastern starting point at Kenosha Pass to where the trail crosses the middle fork of the Swan River. Maybe 32.0, as I made a wrong turn after Swan River. As you end the segment and enter the neighborhoods near Gold Hill, there are two great sources of water that flow year round. Deep snow at the top of Georgia pass. Good snow coverage. The downhill was really rough on our joints though. I'm sure this is a seasonal thing. The climb to Georgia pass was at a pretty reasonable grade but we made camp a couple miles into the climb, so we didn't do all 6 (?) This road is seasonal. I would consider this trail to be somewhere between moderate and hard but doable. This hike was without a doubt our favorite of the first 6 segments with beauty to be found around every corner. This planning guide covers when to go, which direction, navigation, dangers, section highlights, elevation, wildlife, terrain difficulty, how long it takes and more. Colorado Trail segment 6 on Trailsnet Section (segment) hiking is a great way to see the trail and being able to do the trail a weekend, week or more at a time. One of the country’s premier long trails, stretching from Denver (technically, Littleton) to Durango, the Colorado Trail winds its way 486-miles from central to the southwestern corner of Colorado. Intermittent snow patches from mile 9 to about mile 14. There is no additional charge to you.Â. Segment 6: Kenosha Pass. In general, my favorite areas were right around Georgia Pass and near the water sources after you descend the pass. Unfortunately most trees already lost their leaves. 719-836-2031 Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The trail is in great shape and we crossed several streams so water replenishment was not an issue. Colorado Trail Segment 2 . Post was not sent - check your email addresses! and ride back to Platte River Trailhead for a great out and back ride. Get Here. Day hikers and section hikers can easily find their way to new segments of trail, while thru hikers can still enjoy a wild and rugged four to six week journey. One of the best segments of the Colorado Trail, Segment Six is best enjoyed as a point-to-point backpacking trip. If you have ever hiked any section of the Colorado trail you will know that it is a fun experience to be on a trail that winds 468 miles through the beautiful mountains of Colorado with many other hikers. Dillon Ranger District, White River National Forest There is still a couple of large patches of snow up there and the temperature at night was cold. Spotted two moose off in the distance. Plan ahead and if you are traveling from a location at a lower altitude – if headed east, take a few day rides from Durango to help acclimatise. We did it in trailer runners and faired just fine (feet tad wet). No mosquitoes but dear god the yellow jackets. In addition, once you start the large climb near Keystone Ski Resort, there will be sparse camping for about 8-10 miles here. Georgia Pass was amazing. Segment 6 — Kenosha Pass to Goldhill Trailhead. Ending in Breckenridge is perfect. Conceived in 1973 and completed in 1987, the trail runs 486 miles between Denver and Durango, traversing some of the most spectacular scenery in the state. This segment is extremely dry, exposed, and kinda hellacious. A Few Comments: Segment 6 is not the hardest segment on the CT, but it is the longest segment ~ 33.0 miles. From this TH, it’s 6.75 miles to the summit. National Geographic Maps makes the world’s best wall maps, recreation maps, travel maps, atlases and globes for people to explore and understand the world. Gold Hill is a bit more limited as it’s a heavy day use area, but typically parking will be fairly easy to find here as well. Great hike with moderate elevation gain. A little snow on trail above 11k but nothing to slow you down much. 285 Every water source was like a game of how long we could hang before the yellow jackets starting trying to crawl up our shorts. This is at about mile 17.1 of the 32.9 mile trail. Also the "water source" we reached after a long day of very little shade and water (logging, ugh) about 4.5 miles from the Breckenridge endpoint was a sad trickle when we got there so we had to bushwhack to the nearby river to get water. We found an established campsite just before West Jefferson Trail in which we pitched up for the night. In a state known for its trails, The Colorado Trail is Colorado's premier long distance trail. The Colorado Trail is a long-distance trail extending for 486 miles from the mouth of Waterton Canyon southwest of … The Northeast Ridge route of San Luis can be accessed right off the Colorado Trail at Segment 20, at the Eddiesville TH (38.0256, -106.8361). Fees: There is no fee to hike segment 6 of the Colorado Trail. Segment 6 of the Colorado Trail is the longest of the 28 segments that make up the trail, but it's certainly beautiful, every step of the way. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. We also found that the mosquitoes were swarming and quite annoying during the daylight hours at the Georgia Pass (not so much on the trail). Colorado - Trails Illustrated Maps - Trail Maps The view of the Breckenridge valley heading down into town is to die for. Colorado Trail segment 2 officially ends at the Little Scraggy Trail (marked on map). Hosting is supported by UCL, Bytemark Hosting, and … Great trail. When hiking Colorado Trail Segment 6, snow fields near Georgia Pass can easily linger into June and sometimes even July. South Park Ranger District, Pike/San Isabel National Forest This accessibility is what makes the Colorado Trail special. The Colorado Trail is a long-distance trail extending for 486 miles from the mouth of Waterton Canyon southwest of Denver to Durango in Colorado. The first section of the trail follows the Gold Hill Trail through areas clear cut from the recent beetle kill damaged forest. Getting Here:  Start Trailhead (Kenosha Pass): From Morrison, take US285 for 45 miles to reach Kenosha Pass. Segment 6 of the Colorado Trail offers tremendous mountain views and miles of beautiful hiking. 680 Blue River Parkway Maps and Guidebooks. @11,500 ft. No snow on the trail at that date and the aspens had changed about 30%, I'd say. If you are planning an excursion on The Colorado Trail, we recommend that you utilize one or more of the following: The Official Guidebook of The Colorado Trail Foundation – the Guidebook particularly helps with trip planning, getting to access points and on-Trail reference. I couldn't. Just finished the segment on July 25th! My friend and I hiked this on 06/13. Segment 6 — Kenosha Pass to Goldhill Trailhead. Three creek crossings. Although the hiking was absolutely beautiful, they were a pair of very long days that ended with what else? And check your crevices before you move a body part! Snow. One stung me on the armpit while we ate lunch. 9/10 would recommend! Colorado Trail Segment Map; Virtual Tour; Location: Gateway Drive / Breckenridge, CO; Start Access: Paved roads; Trail Surface: Rocky single-track with sand and grass; Hike: Much of the first half of this segment has been devastated by pine beetles, with a result similar to the burned areas experienced earlier. 970-468-5400 Be aware of this if you do this section in a dry season like fall. Colorado Trail Segment 6 is the longest segment of the entire CT at just under 33 miles. The Colorado Trail is divided into 33 segments which includes a … Tweet. Saw others turning around as well, don't take the snow lightly, you CAN get through it but bring proper boots, gloves, poles, rain pants, gators and whatever else you need to stay warm from the elements. Both areas do not have restrooms. Of course you CAN camp here, but spots are very limited and could be fairly close to the neighborhoods in the area without any water sources. Very raining and wet! The Colorado Trail Map Book: ... Not everyone can spend 4-6 weeks hiking The Colorado Trail in one long hike. Trail was maintained and easy to follow. Segment 6 starts at Kenosha Pass and ends at Gold Hill trailhead just outside of … 14er Handies Peak East Slopes Trail Guide. Segment two is by far my least favorite so far. This is the Kenosha Pass portion (4 miles) of the Colorado Trail Segment 6. Segment 5 ends officially on the right side of the highway (west) but access to it is commonly gained on the right side by continuing to the bathrooms about .4 miles up the dirt road. It's also the first segment that begins to give you the Rocky Mountain feel. Use the first half to warm up, as the second half is more difficult. Great for a trail run, get there early as parking fills up quick! 1844839828 (part of ways Colorado Trail (Segment 6) (304923934) and County Road 354 / North Fork (17146635)) ... OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license. Before June, snow fields can present a larger problem and will have the potential to significantly slow you down. Since it’s the longest segment of the Colorado Trail, we knew this would be a two day trip. Pics of Segment 6: From the Back of the Pack. Directions to colorado-trail-seg-5-2 trailhead (39.362380, -105.687440) update trails status or condition ... Park County Trail Map; Park County Trail Reports; Share. Colorado Trail : Segment 6 is a 49.6 kilometer moderately trafficked point-to-point trail located near Jefferson, Colorado that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as difficult. Stunning views, beautiful forest, a pass that makes you want to sing the Sound of Music... what else could you want? If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. This section of the Colorado Trail has two distinct personalities. ALSO so many yellow jackets!!!! Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. We did not encounter snow until mile 9 or so (a couple miles before top of Georgia Pass). MAP: Trails Illustrated PERMITS: none (easy self-registration for wilderness areas) DESIGNATION: primarily 7 different National Forests BEST SEASONS: July, August, September DISTANCE: 485 miles from Denver to Durango WATER: I thru-hiked with 4 liters capacity. Colorado Trail Segment 7 Goldhill Trailhead to Copper Mountain Trail Summary: The Colorado Trail is a 485 mile hike that starts near Denver and ends in Durango, Colorado. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. End Trailhead (Gold Hill): From either Breckenride or Frisco, take Colorado Highway 9 to reach Goldhill trailhead right off the road. Split it up into three days between 285 and breck. Backpacked this around Sep 22-25 immediately after doing section 5, so traveling west/north. Best Views: Almost the entire hike offers beautiful views of the Tenmile Range, spanning fields full of wildflowers, flowing streams and numerous chances for wildlife spotting. @thegratefulhikers. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. This is an excellent stretch for trail running - low traffic on this Sunday and nice steady elevation gain up to Georgia Pass. The two trails overlap to the north. of the incline in one day. Leave a comment below or follow me on Instagram! For 485 miles between Denver and Durango, the Colorado Trail (CT) winds over rocky, 13,000-foot peaks and passes, through wildflower-filled meadows, in and out of dusty mining towns, and past snow-clad vistas as it draws a line through Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Rough, but not enough to be found around every corner 's also the first half warm... Bit which I do think helped prevent punching through too much Trail or section hiking the Colorado is. 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