— Chantal Akerman. News from Home: The Films of Chantal Akerman “I don’t feel I belong anywhere. Born in Brussels in 1950 to Polish immigrants who survived the Holocaust, Chantal Akerman was exceptionally precocious, prolific, and prescient. In 1971, at the age of 21, the Belgian filmmaker moved to Manhattan and lived there for two years during which time her mother sent her many short, impassioned letters describing the life of the family and begging her daughter to write home more often. Directed by Chantal Akerman • 1976 • United States Letters from Chantal Akerman's mother are read over a series of elegantly composed shots of 1976 New York, where our (unseen) filmmaker and protagonist has relocated. Perhaps some of us feel this less intensely than others. In order to achieve these goals, the Fondation Chantal Akerman joined forces with CINEMATEK. If that is the case this information will be collected and processed in accordance with the law of December 8th, 1992 on the protection of privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. Sinopsis: Imágenes de la ciudad de Nueva York y sus habitantes. The film combines and overlays the two, but they certainly don’t connect. Chantal Akerman, Director: Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. Seeing Battery Park, leaving Battery Park, losing Battery Park. Shot in In News from Home , Akerman lets the spectator stare at urban spaces while an off-screen narrator (Akerman) reads letters from a mother to an absent daughter. Elle est considérée comme une des figures de proue du cinéma moderne. I didn’t know about Chantal Akerman’s News from Home (1976) until I was deep into my twenties, yet I’d been preoccupied by what she captures in its final shot from as far back as I could remember. For many years Chantal Akerman was a member of its Board of Directors, and which she had entrusted with the conservation of her cinematographic works and their restoration. It was that long fade that I felt most deeply, that long, seemingly unblinking track backwards to a home that didn’t feel like where I belonged, away from a place that I could never earn or obtain, that presented itself as an exciting and scary maze that morphed into a quietly forbidding wall as I departed it. I didn’t need to see a … It stands still and yet it moves over the water, and over time. She is best known for Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975), which The New York Times called a … the City, while growing up on Staten Island. News from home, released in 1977, is a sort of follow-up to Jeanne Dielman 23, Quai Du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) in that it continues to follow Akerman’s contemplative aesthetics. On the Last Shot of Chantal Akerman’s News from Home With Chantal Akerman. The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time and you should check this Privacy Policy periodically. Año: 1977. The TIFF Cinematheque retrospective News from Home: The Films of Chantal Akerman begins Friday, November 1. A The film consists of long takes of locations in New York City set to Akerman's voice-over as she reads letters that her mother sent her between 1971 and … Two towering facts in the sky, drawing the eye as something to hold onto, like tree stumps lassoed from quicksand. All rights reserved Support forthis publication has been provided through the National Endowment for the Arts. Akerman’s final film, No Home Movie — a visceral, diaristic account of the director’s final encounters with her mother, released the same year that Akerman herself ended her life, following a long battle with depression — evokes in its very title this double-edged quality inherent to her work: home as something both present and elusive, comforting yet claustrophobic, there but soon gone, physical but (mostly) mental. a person responsible for collecting and processing of your personal data) with respect to all data CINEMATEK collects on you, when you use one of our services. Chantal Akerman - 1977 - Chantal Akerman moved to New York in the 1970s. Mercure de France (Collection Traits et portraits). Chantal Akermans News from Home wird mitunter als Liebeserklärung an ihre Mutter beschrieben, kann aber auch als Darstellung einer Distanzerfahrung verstanden werden. This is how I understood Manhattan, a.k.a. We’re two places at once, and thus nowhere entirely. She was unafraid to combine the deeply personal with formal rigour, emotional intensity with Chaplinesque physical humour, the deadpan with the wonderfully melodramatic. She was married to Sonia Wieder-Atherton. And it is this “nothing” that comprises Akerman’s work — in other words, everything meaningful. This Log Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our Site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages and other statistics. Like many site operators, we collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Site. She also created a large body of installation work and authored three books, the last of which — My Mother Laughs (recently translated into English), a searing memoir about her relationship with her mother — underscores Akerman’s innate restlessness, obsessive compulsions, fearless candour, and the porous boundaries between her art and her life. Both projects explore the relationship between mother and daughter Now the journey is nearly directly backwards, with more buildings entering at both sides of the frame. A different angle on moving images—past, present, and future, By Michael Koresky Conserved at CINEMATEK, the paper and photographic archives of Chantal Akerman and Paradise Films are currently being catalogued, organized and digitized. The shot begins with lights dimly alighting a dark tunnel, pulling back to the towering, frame-filling, wood-pylon walls of a boat slip. I just know that what it expresses is precisely what I feel as deeply as I feel anything: that the city is my ultimate intangible, real and metaphorical, the pinnacle of and ultimate metaphor for life, about which I feel the most intense, prevailing, and defining sense of romance, longing, and loss. While using our Site, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. And even there the ground is often a bit shaky.” Conserving Chantal Akerman’s body of Art, including the archives and all the works ; Fostering the knowledge, the appreciation and study of Chantal Akerman’s oeuvre ; Assuring its dissemination and conservation of Chantal Akerman’s works ; Assemble, maintain and protect the rights of Chantal Akerman and of her works. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us. While her filmography is too often centred on the masterpiece she made at age 25, Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai de Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles — which dramatically altered conventional perceptions of time and space in the cinema, and brought the previously neglected subjects of female subjectivity and domestic labour to the forefront — her energies, interests, and passions cannot be contained even within this immense work. Actually they’ve only ever been shrinking. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. In News from Home, Akerman is neither here nor there, and that any of us can watch the film and understand this for every second and frame of it, is simply, actually miraculous. Belgium-France, 1976 / 16mm / Color / 90 min, Belgium-France-Germany, 1978 / 35mm / Color / 127 min, Belgium-France, 1982 / 35mm / Color / 90 min, Belgium-France, 2015 / video / Color / 115 min. Seagulls trail behind, flying above the ferry’s lengthening wake. And perhaps those of us that do also feel differently about that final shot, and about that journey from one island to another. Fondation Chantal Akerman c/o CINEMATEK3, Rue Ravenstein B-1000 Brussels. Impersonal but beautiful images of Akerman's life in New York are combined with letters from her loving but manipulative mother, read by Akerman herself. Her films were inherently feminist, queer, and Jewish, but, more than anything, they resisted and refuted those (and all) labels by virtue of their raw humanism: they remain relevant and relatable to everyone who experiences them, confronted as we are by the absurdity, injustice, harshness, confusion, and profound beauty of the world. They’re nearer than the rest of the buildings, which have now bundled together into a single grayscale mass, suddenly and without mercy. Her 16mm footage of anonymous streets, parking lots, subway stations and shabby fast food restaurants expresses a sense of disconnection—from home, family, the past and her old identity.Alongside this fantastic time capsule of a desolate city, Akerman reads aloud letters from her mother. For any request about Chantal Akerman’s works, you can contact the foundation at: works@chantalakerman.foundation, For any research request, you can contact the archives at: archives@chantalakerman.foundation, Projection à La Rochelle International Film Festival, News from Home: The Films of Chantal Akerman, Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai de Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. In some ways, it is a soothing film. (en) Chantal Akerman's "News from Home", Nicholas Elliott, 14 janvier 2014 Portail du cinéma belge Portail des années 1970 La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 19 avril 2020 à 08:38. More of the city starts coming into view, the swing of the boat tracking a sweep from right to left to incorporate one building after another, still close enough to offer space and depth between and among them, the somewhat foggy sky giving buildings in the background a lighter shade of grey than the ones in the foreground. Moving Image Source was developed with generous and visionary support from the Hazen Polsky Foundation, in memory of Joseph H. Hazen. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us, or by placing a prominent notice on our website. The camera stands here, shooting there, and is never fully present in either. News from Home (1977) and Les Rendez-vous d’Anna (Meetings with Anna, 1978) exemplify Akerman’s continual risk-taking anti-cinema. | March 28, 2016. The The picture emerges of … By Eric Hynes. All Chantal Akerman’s installations are Courtesy Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Paris, London and Chantal Akerman Foundation. But like the skyline, by the time we come close to apprehending things, we’ve also lost them. On the contrary, I have the feeling that I am only attached to the land under my feet. Her work, as reflected through her own life, displays endless, complex dichotomies: romantic abandon and alienation; intimacy and distance; an indelible sense of place versus the disorienting displacement that made her a perpetual exile, shuttling between Brussels, New York, and Paris, never quite at home anywhere in the world; euphoria and melancholy; a furious productivity and constant need to work struggling against a paralyzing torpor. “I don’t feel I belong anywhere. Directed by Chantal Akerman • 1989 • Belgium, France Starring George Bartenieff, Judith Malina, Eszter Balint Chantal Akerman explores Jewish American identity in this multilayered portrait of the immigrant experience. © Reverse Shot, 2020. For more information, please read our cookie policy.CLOSE [X] A rusted, sea-foam green structure appears in the background, and behind them a hint of skyscrapers. Chantal Akerman’s 1977 drama News from Home I write about Akerman and News from Home as a way of writing about my own work. An acute and curious observer — of form, of architectural detail, of sound, of bodies in spaces — Akerman was also one of the first filmmakers to systematically acknowledge the fine line between documentary and fiction, imbuing her non-fiction works with lyricism and narrative suspense, and bringing to her narrative films a grasp of real-time rhythms and a sense of spatial and sensorial awareness that make us hyper-aware of our own presence in the world, prompting us to reset our own rhythms with those of her films. Chantal Akerman, 1975 [2] In «Hotel Monterey» and «News from Home» (1976), two of Chantal Akerman's films made in New York under the influence of structural filmmaking, a fixed shot of an empty corridor, or of a crowded News from Home es una película dirigida por Chantal Akerman con Chantal Akerman. Akerman was a Belgian filmmaker transplanted to New York when she made News from Home, yet she communicated something very close to exactly what I felt and continue to feel as a Staten Islander. It tries to make us see what she sees, and more crucially to make us feel something of what she feels. What I desired, as well as feared, was on that rock to which I could dramatically arrive and depart by sea. Into the Fog: On the Last Shot of Chantal Akerman’s News from Home By Eric Hynes I didn’t know about Chantal Akerman’s News from Home (1976) until I was deep into my twenties, yet I’d been preoccupied by what she captures in its final shot from as far back as I could remember. Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique (Fondation Chantal Akerman c/o CINEMATEK) considers the privacy of and dealing with your personal data as extremely important. The moment I think I understand and appreciate it, it’s already fading away. And as the Staten Island Ferry pulls away from Manhattan, her recording is indistinguishable from my own memory. While technically a part of the city, Staten Island was, and is, another world. Into the Fog: This Privacy Policy is effective as of 26.04.2018 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page. CINEMATEK wants to be very transparent on how we deal with your personal data. Even after having lived within the confines of that shot, and having lived within stumbling distance of those towers, I still feel it. Despite the multitude of filmmakers and characters that wander these urban environments, locating revelatory findings in its spatial-imaginary as they do, the flâneur remains a surprisingly underdeveloped concept in film theory. With its insistently repeated motifs — epistolary exchanges, mother-daughter relationships, open-ended journeys, oral histories, performance, the sinister spectre of war — Akerman’s oeuvre is as thematically cohesive as her genres are varied, but it is also full of complexities, contradictions, and dualities. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia News from Home is a 1977 avant-garde documentary film directed by Chantal Akerman. Während die damals 27 Jahre alte Akerman die Instead of dissociating from camera, Akerman becomes it. Every shot in News from Home is and feels placed, transforming the camera from a receptor, a capturer, into a physical and mechanical extension of the filmmaker. The boat lists left, offering a greater vantage of what’s at right—the Brooklyn Bridge—before advancing further from the shore and giving a clear view of the departed slip, which, now fully apprehended, somehow seems to retreat more rapidly. Her over 40 short and feature films range from structuralist experiments to romantic comedies, musicals to literary adaptations, diaristic essays to biographical portraits to thinly veiled autobiographical road movies. Elle a été une influence importante notamment pour Gus Van Sant, Todd Haynes et Michael Haneke3,4. Akerman’s presentation of New York in that movie is so specific and personal—fifty or so shots of the city accompanied by her own voice-over recitations of letters sent from her mother back in Brussels—that it’s less a universalizing force than an engine engendering responses that are equally specific and personal. Chantal Akerman was born on June 6, 1950 in Brussels, Belgium as Chantal Anne Akerman. The tone of longing that’s established through the letters is countered by a sense of loss in the pictures. What it records lasts for as long as it can, or for as long as it has to, or until it just stops. I don’t ever recall the approaching view of the island from the Staten Island Ferry, at least after the day ended (perhaps I savored the arrival while I was there, but more likely is that I was too stimulated and ecstatic for such reflection). News from Home é um filme documentário coproduzido por teuto-belgo-francês dirigido por Chantal Akerman e lançado em 8 de junho de 1977. Slowly, gradually retreating before they even appear. Then the towers appear, just at left. Letters from Chantal Akerman’s mother are read over a series of elegantly composed shots of 1976 New York, where our (unseen) filmmaker and protagonist has relocated. Chantal Akerman, the Belgian filmmaker, lives in New York. Título original: News from Home. I think it’s because she felt deeply what it means to live in but never possess the city, and furthermore what it means to both live and find living elusive. It was the loss of the city that stayed with me. On the contrary, I have the feeling that I am only attached to the land under my feet. This website is being developed by the Fondation Chantal Akerman in collaboration with CINEMATEK. Chantal Anne Akerman (French: [ʃɑ tal akɛʁman]; 6 June 1950 – 5 October 2015) was a Belgian film director, screenwriter, artist, and film professor at the City College of New York. If you have any further questions for or about the Fondation Chantal Akerman, please contact us by mail. CINEMATEK — the Film Archive of Belgium — is itself a non-profit Foundation. CINEMATEK is the Data Manager (i.e. Her signature long takes, oscillating between static, monumentalized compositions and sweeping tracking shots that set off movement against stasis (both literal and existential), probed the patterns and textures of everyday life, revealing what is imperceptible to most — not least of which was the potential for violence lurking within the quotidian. 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