They thought Hitler was rational and didn’t want to go to war. Gladwell makes an argument that today’s police officers are using overly aggressive tactics—such as pulling lots of people over for any reason they can come up with in an attempt to confiscate weapons—that only make sense in high-crime areas. Find books like Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don’t Know from the world’s largest community of readers. And people will not always commit suicide in every single context. Context plays a huge part in determining human behavior. Talking to Strangers is a classically Gladwellian intellectual adventure, a challenging and controversial excursion through history, psychology, and scandals taken straight from the news. Download | Pdf | Read Online | Free | Summary Talking to Strangers By Malcolm Gladwell The highly anticipated new book from Malcolm Gladwell, No.1 international bestselling author of The Tipping … Gladwell observes that we, as humans, generally tend to think we can make sense of a stranger’s behavior based on their demeanor. The best way to experience Talking to Strangers is to listen to the audiobook. And when strangers act a certain way, humans tend to believe that’s who they actually are. At the beginning of the book, he explains that the tragic deaths of black people across America at the hands of the police—people like Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott—sparked his desire to write Talking To Strangers. He touches on lots of issues that are currently plaguing society and dividing people across the country such as police brutality, suicides, and sexual assaults. The participants never realized the other quiz taker was an actor, not even once. And that pain of losing a child had previously led her to try to attempt suicide. We need to trust each other in order to cooperate, communicate, interact with, and live with each other. Brian assumed that he could understand Sandra’s emotions and character through looking at her demeanor. Good synopsis of the book. Although some of the police officers that were involved in those situations have been fired, Gladwell still feels deeply unsatisfied. But demeanor is not an accurate representation of someone’s character. A psychologist named Richard Seiden followed up with 515 people who attempted suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge, but were restrained unexpectedly. Strangers are complicated, complex, and incredibly difficult to read. Many people will choose to believe a stranger, even in a situation where your money is at stake, the safety of your children is at stake, and you have a lot to lose. The results were surprising. After the quiz was over, Levine would then sit down with each of them and ask them whether or not they cheated, while recording the whole thing on camera. Overview. Of course, if you are a … Brian asked her to put it out. So what can we do to prevent mistakes, tragedies, and catastrophes like this from happening? "Don't talk to strangers" is the advice long given to children by parents of all classes and races. Larry Nassar was the official physician for the USA women’s gymnastics team. Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know - Kindle edition by Gladwell, Malcolm. That’s a tendency that all humans have. A Best Book of the Year: The Financial Times, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, and Detroit Free Pres Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of the #1 New York … They found that people were only able to detect a liar 56% of the time. In this book, Gladwell points out 4 types of miscommunication that take place between strangers, leading to conflict, disaster, and tragedy—4 mistakes that can help police officers avoid making tragic mistakes that take the lives of innocent people like Sandra Bland. It is human nature to assume that the people we are dealing with, even complete strangers who we’ve never met before, are being honest with us. He defrauded over 4000 investors of over $60 billion. Facial expressions and body language don’t always correlate to how someone actually feels. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. For the average person, just one or two doubts are not enough to convince them that someone is being dishonest. They took his word for it. Gladwell uses Amanda Knox as another example of this. You cannot accurately read someone’s character, intent, or emotions based on their demeanor. He completely misread her emotions and character. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, What do you do? Just like he did with many of his past books, Gladwell digs deep into the past, pulls from the latest findings from different branches of science, draws from psychology research, pulls from criminology studies, and uses real life data to back up his ideas. And the world sometimes allows predators and monsters like Bernie Madoff, Jerry Sandusky, and Larry Nassar to roam free for decades because they seemed to be innocent. Gladwell ends this book by explaining how some of these ideas played a part in the tragic death of Sandra Bland in 2015—and all of the similar tragedies involving police taking the lives of innocent people. And understand that people are not always who they appear to be. They had doubts about Sandusky and Nassar, but not enough doubts. Half of them use handguns to shoot themselves. Eventually the Italian courts set Amanda free from prison after she served 4 years and declared her innocent. There was no reason to assume that she might be a criminal. This is a tough problem to avoid because it’s in our nature. But he was wrong. Sandra had already been through a long list of painful encounters with the police. This part of the book most readers will enjoy. Chamberlain even convinced him to sign a document stating that he would not invade Czechoslovakia, a provocation that could instigate the war. That means the grand majority of the crimes were taking place on certain streets and blocks, hotspots. The early part of the book sets up the main theme. And she felt that Brian was about to ruin this new start over a minor infraction, that he had caused. Gladwell also uses Neville Chamberlain as an example. Talking to Strangers – by Malcolm Gladwell ‘What we should know about the people we don’t know’ We think we can understand people. After showing them the videotapes, Levine noticed that the law enforcement agents were just as bad at identifying innocence versus guilt as anybody else, if not worse. After reading Talking To Strangers, I can see that these parents and those officials were actually just victims of their human nature. So our criminal justice system and society at large sometimes locks up innocent people like Amanda Knox for crimes they did not commit because they acted guilty. If you're a true fan of Stranger Things, then a comic book is a must for your themed reading list, and Paper Girls is just the right one. Interviews and Podcasts on Everyday Power, 3 Things to Recognize About Your Pandemic Bubble, 18 Lessons I’ve Learned From 18 Years of Marriage, 50 Vice President Quotes That Will Change The Way You View America’s Second Most Important Person, 50 Spiritual Saint Quotes That Are Good for the Soul, 50 Inspiring Haikyuu Quotes from the Anime Series. It is human nature is to believe that the strangers we are dealing with are trustworthy. And he discovered that roughly 50% of the crimes took place on 3% of the streets. Here’s another cardinal mistake that we often make when dealing with strangers: We tend to assuming that the people we are dealing with are honest and trustworthy, even if we don’t personally know them. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Talking to Strangers… The prolific, best-selling Gladwell (David and Goliath; The Tipping Point) presents an intriguing analysis of what far too often goes wrong when strangers meet, diving deeply into relatively … Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister during World War II. The Loop Approach: How to Transform Your Organization from the Inside Out, How best to adapt established companies to a rapidly changing economy has long been a topic of debate in both the corporate and academic worlds. 10 Best Books On Becoming A Millionaire in Business, 20 Inspirational Books To Expand Your Thinking. He called it the Law of Crime Concentration. We think we know others better than they know us. The book has lots of fun Gladwell like anecdotal stories. Criminals will not commit crime in every single context, on every street, on every block, or in every neighborhood. If you see even one red flag or warning sign about a stranger’s actions, it is best to investigate to figure out what is really going on, before it’s too late. This fall, Malcolm Gladwell—the author of several bestselling books like Blink, Outliers, and The Tipping Point—is back with a brand new book called Talking To Strangers. In both situations, there were enablers—university officials, administrators, coaches, and even parents of the victims—who heard the accusations that Sandusky and Nassar were abusing the children. But I understand what caused their confusion. Goodreads members who liked this book also liked: Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don’t Know, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future. More people have committed suicide at the Golden Gate Bridge in that timespan than any other location in the world. We are generally quicker to judge others than we are to judge ourselves. Context matters, when it comes to everything. Even with all of their polygraph tests, rigorous background checks, and strict policies, even the CIA could not always tell when they are being lied to. So the next time you’re about to judge someone based off of their facial expression, body language, or demeanor, take a step back. The book explores our inability to tell when people are lying, especially when they are confident and lack obvious tells (e.g., shifty eyes, covered mouth). In both cases, most of the people who knew what was happening did nothing to stop it, for decades. He pulled her over for an infraction that he was the cause of. Today it has blossomed into a fundamental precept of civic education, reflecting interracial distrust, personal … They were actually double agents working for the other side. The officer then demanded for her to step out of the car. Suicides in the United States are coupled with the availability of handguns. Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know is a nonfiction book written by Malcolm Gladwell and published by Little, Brown and Company (hardcover version) on September … The problem is, they are using these aggressive tactics in every context as opposed to the areas where they would really be effective. Levine proceeded to show these videotapes to people of all backgrounds to see if they could determine whether or not the person in the video was a liar or a truth-teller. We think we can determine what kind of person somebody is based on their eyes, facial expressions, and body language. They were both sexual predators who victimized young people and their families. Just like Madoff, Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar were liars and predators. Innocent people sometimes get nervous and shifty, as if they are guilty. 44% of the time, people were unable to identify whether or not someone was lying. People around the world assumed Amanda was guilty because of her seemingly cold, unemotional, and remorseless behavior after the murder took place. Gladwell describes another experiment where German psychologists caught people off guard and filmed their facial expressions. So before you judge a stranger, think about the context and the point of view that they are coming from. Levine came to the conclusion that we are pretty good at identifying when some one is telling the truth. Tim Levine’s quiz-taking experiment that I described above is a great example of this. Gladwell uses 3 different real-life examples of liars, predators, and monsters who victimized dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people to prove this point: Bernie Madoff, Jerry Sandusky, and Larry Nassar. Police officers, judges, law enforcement, interrogators, people involved in the criminal justice system, and all people of all colors, shapes, and sizes can stop making snap judgments about others based off of their facial expressions and demeanor. The closest … I found myself reviewing significant passages to make sure I properly got the message. And sometimes that backfires on us in terrible ways. This fall, Malcolm Gladwell—the author of several bestselling books like Blink, Outliers, and The Tipping Point—is back with a brand new book called Talking To Strangers. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible … Buy Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know by Gladwell, Malcolm (ISBN: 9780241351567) from Amazon's Book Store. Malcolm Gladwell is the first to acknowledge that his new book, Talking to Strangers, bears the influence of his podcast Revisionist History.Like the podcast, the book examines past events … Police officers, and all citizens in our world, must pay more attention to context. Gladwell and team have morphed the production values and … This challenge is especially pressing for large organiz…. Whether it’s Neville Chamberlain, New York City judges, law enforcement agents, or everyday individuals, Gladwell makes a strong argument that people generally struggle with assessing a stranger’s honesty, intent, and character whether they meet them only once or several times. At the time, Sandra Bland was on her way to start a new job at Prairie View University in Texas. So she was upset for a big variety of reasons. Both Sandusky and Nassar used their positions of power to sexually assault people over a span of decades. If you like to year history from way back on all kinds of strangers meeting each other and fighting then this is the book you will enjoy. Gladwell also describes a fascinating psychology experiment that investigated if people could detect whether or not someone was lying. The area where he pulled over Sandra was not a high crime or high drug environment. Gladwell describes some experiments where social scientists traveled to Mozambique and the Trobriand Islands to show isolated tribes of people pictures of human facial expressions to see if their interpretations of these faces matched up with the way the rest of the world perceives human facial expressions. Then we only stop assuming someone is honest when our doubts rise to the point where we can no longer explain them. In order for society to function and to thrive, we have always needed to assume that strangers are telling us the truth. But for decades all of these people generally assumed that Bernie was being honest because they didn’t see enough red flags. Liars sometimes appear to be honest. When the interrogators watched tapes of liars who acted sincere, the interrogators were only able to identify 14% of the liars. Something about the context of those specific locations was influencing people to commit crimes there. The lack of zippy new sayings contributes to the book’s general sense of fatigue. Before reading Talking To Strangers, I was appalled by the fact that Penn State officials, Michigan State officials, and even the victim’s own parents had enabled these sexual predators to destroy the lives of their victims. Some of the cheaters lied to Levine, while others told the truth. And he didn’t think about the context that Sandra was in. Sadly, the parents, university officials, and administrators took their word for it. Tim Ferriss has trouble answering the question. Plenty of different people had doubts about Madoff, including hedge fund investors, investment banks, and even the SEC. During the quiz, the instructor would leave the room and the partner would then encourage the participant to cheat on the quiz. To order a copy go to or call 0330 333 6846. Sandra was clearly upset, agitated, and irritated when the cop pulled her over. If you are new to Gladwell, you will greatly enjoy "Talking to Strangers"... as it is a must read for anybody who needs to make snap judgements about people's character and behavior. He provides examples from the present and the past to prove this point. Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America--but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ou…, At the end of the Second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. This law still applies today. Your email address will not be published. I hated all of it but the first chapter and the last chapter. His first o…, In the midst of a family crisis one late evening, white blogger Alix Chamberlain calls her African American babysitter, Emira, asking her to take toddler Briar to the local market for distraction. Malcolm Gladwell is a Canadian journalist, author, and public speaker. But the stereotypes of what we think surprise looks like are largely dependent on culture, television, and movies. Only 25 out of the 515 people who attempted suicide actually followed through with killing themselves later on. Judging strangers by appearances leads to all kinds of terrible problems, issues, and disasters. Gladwell points out that the officer was guilty of many of the cardinal miscommunication mistakes discussed through this book. Gladwell argues that we generally believe, by default, that people are honest. Since it isn’t against the law for her to smoke a cigarette, she refused. His previous books, including The Tipping Point and Blink, have been huge bestsellers. These 4 ideas can also help you as an individual, regardless of what role you play in society, avoid conflict and catastrophe when you deal with strangers. Your email address will not be published. It's not what you think. And we tend to judge strangers based on clues, ideas, and biases that don’t actually mean anything. He revisits the … If the US banned handguns, it could save an estimated 10,000 lives per year or many more. Sandra refused to step out. Gladwell explains how the Golden Gate Bridge has been the location for over 1500 suicides since it opened in San Francisco in 1937. When we do, there will be less tragedies of miscommunication and less innocent lives taken. We take this for granted. In "Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About The People We Don’t Know," journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell details stories of miscommunication that ended in tragedy. Every one of them assumed that their fellow quiz-taker was being honest. He explains how 40,000 Americans commit suicide every year. As humans, our default assumption is that strangers are being honest with us. También de este lado hay sueños. And keep in mind that strangers are not always being honest with you. As Gladwell explains, the stranger’s environment is a bigger determinant that we often think: “Don’t look at the stranger and jump to conclusions. If we didn’t have this social trust, the world would not be able to function. … Required fields are marked *, Book Review: “High Performance Habits” by Brendon Burchard, 10 Children’s Books To Inspire The Best In Kids, 10 Books Every College Student Should Read, 10 Best Motivational Business Books for Entrepreneurs, 10 Best Personal Finance Books For Your Money in 2020, 10 Best Inspirational Books to Help You Face Life’s Obstacles, Top 10 Most Influential Business Books of All Time, 10 Best Business Books That Will Develop Your Success Mindset, Top 10 Books To Help You Reach Your Full Potential, 25 Best Motivational Books for Personal Development, 25 Best Books To Improve Your Sex Life and Relationships, Published on November 19, 2019 8:00 AM EST, 10 Children's Books To Inspire The Best In Kids, 10 Best Business Books for Success as an Entrepreneur. … talking to strangers might actually be gladwell ’ s character,,! 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