Spring turkey hunters will find birds on almost all mountains south and east of FR 45. Beginning at Snowflake; southerly along AZ Hwy 77 to U.S. Hwy 60; southwesterly along U.S. Hwy 60 to the Fort Apache Indian Reservation boundary; easterly along the reservation boundary to the Vernon-McNary road (FR 224); northerly along this road to U.S. Hwy 60; west on U.S. Hwy 60 to AZ Hwy 61; northeasterly on AZ Hwy 61 to AZ Hwy 180A; northerly on AZ Hwy 180A to Concho-Snowflake road; westerly on the Concho- Snowflake road to Snowflake. Maps for the region Arizona Hunting Unit 23. Within municipal limits of the city of Show Low and the town of Pinetop-Lakeside, those portions of Unit 3B South within ¼ mile of an occupied residence or building are closed to deer hunting during archery deer season. Don’t get down because hunting season is well past halftime. Description: Unit Map with High, Medium, and Low Elk Concentrations with Water Tank locations. Arizona offers some of the best trophy and or unique hunting opportunities in North America for each of these species: Black bear, buffalo, coues whitetail, desert bighorn sheep, elk, javelina, mountain lion, mule deer, pronghorn antelope and turkey (goulds or merriam). The Unit 3B spring turkey hunt will be a challenge, even for the most avid spring turkey hunter. All hunters must contact an Arizona Game and Fish Department office in person or by telephone at 1-877-438-0447 within 48 hours of taking a lion. By Jglaudel, April 14, 2017 in Elk Hunting. After hunting hard for days without any close encounters, I snoozed my alarm when raindrops discouraged me from starting early on Nov. 5, 2017. HuntMap LT (Plain Paper): $18.99 If the hunt is unit-wide, it will only have the hunt unit (e.g., Unit 1). As a result, overall deer numbers are down throughout the unit, while buck-to-doe ratios remain stable. Vendor: Arizona HuntData LLC. In 1985, the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and Arizona Game and Fish Department announced an innovative wildlife habitat program aimed at improving wildlife habitat, wildlife viewing, photography, and hunting … Overview: The current turkey hunt structure for Unit 3B includes an archery-only fall season and two limited weapon-shotgun shooting shot spring seasons. Game Management Unit 2A regulates hunting opportunities in Arizona and covers 910,988 acres.Check out the public land access and historical weather. Elk Hunting ; Arizona Unit 4B Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Youtube; Sign in to follow this . Arizona GMU 3B, Hunting Unit Map, 24" × 36"MyTopo Hunt Area / Game Management Units (GMU) Maps are 1:100,000-scale maps using the Bureau of... learn more » $26.95 Lake Mountain has the highest number of birds, but also the highest number of hunters. Arizona has some of The Best Elk Hunting In The World and is considered The … Peak gobbling activity is weather dependent, and can vary annually by as much as three weeks. Permit levels have been reduced for the 2020 season to maintain buck to doe ratios. Price $39.00. From the North: State Hwy 77, 61, 180 Species Information Antelope. In 1985, the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and Arizona Game and Fish Department announced an innovative wildlife habitat program aimed at improving wildlife habitat, wildlife viewing, photography, and hunting opportunities. The pronghorn population in Unit 3C has declined in recent years. Our Arizona muzzleloader elk hunts take place in different units throughout the state. Educational tapes are available and are very helpful to “tune your ear.” Chest-waders are recommended at all locations throughout the unit, and will allow hunters to reach the prime islands and hunting spots. Other locations with high success rates in the unit are areas surrounding Blue Ridge, Little Brushy, and Ecks Mountains. Always check weather conditions during fall hunts. Each hunt season has non-permit tags that can be purchased over the counter. With incredible genetics, it produces 400 class bulls every year, even on the drought years. Hunters can check via their portal account, or by phone. It is a complete recreation guide showing campgrounds, natural areas, forests, parks, golf courses and much more. (Clickable areas may appear inaccurately on mobile devices) Select a Hunting Unit Arizona Hunting Unit 1 Arizona Hunting Unit 2A Arizona Hunting Unit 2B Arizona Hunting Unit 2C Arizona Hunting Unit 3A Arizona … Primary Category: Recreation. Contact the USFS Lakeside Ranger District office for more information. High quality 36" x 48" printed Unit 3B hunt maps shipped to your door. Arizona Elk Hunting. This checkerboard land status creates some local access issues that require a combination of pre-season scouting and obtaining landowner permission. Branch-antlered bulls are common, but unpredictable, and are generally associated with dense vegetation on north slopes. Maps for Arizona Hunting Units Select a hunting unit from the dropdown menu or click a unit on the map below. These maps are 1:100,000-scale and include unit boundaries, ownership, topography, roads, and key terrain features. Overview: Pronghorn antelope are the most widely spread big game animal in Unit 3B. Plenty of opportunity also exists for harvesting coots. Legal lion is any lion except spotted kittens or females accompanied by spotted kittens. Areas: Harvest data and observation reports show no trends for hunt area recommendations. You can fold it, roll it or … Arizona State Land Department – 928 367-0313 Arizona Hunt Unit 1 Hunting and Recreation Map: 1:100,000 Scale - Detailed Topographic MapMulti-Sourced Road Names - Adventure Trails, 4 x 4 and Light Duty RoadsWater Resistant - Tear … Overview: The unit is comprised almost entirely of habitat suitable for antelope, and finding a place to hunt is not difficult. About PLIA; What We Do; Information; Recreation; Maps; Shop; JOIN. Late season bull hunters can have success in 3BN near Flint knoll, Mesa Redonda, and Ortega Mountain. Detailed topographic map Shows Unit Boundary 3D shaded relief with contour elevations Private and Public Lands Lat/Lon ticks 2000 meter UTM grid 1000 meter ticks for greater accuracy in locating Water sources, including AZ Game and Fish tanks Roads: … Land status maps are strongly recommended for hunting north of Hwy 60. These specially made topographic maps feature 60’ × 30’ quadrangle data with a red overprint that depicts the wildlife management unit boundaries, yellow overprint that depicts public land roads, and blue overprint that depicts official Arizona Game and Fish … Current hunt structures offer archery and muzzleloader hunting opportunities both north and south of Hwy 60. You are here: Shop Home >> Categories >> Hunt Map Series by State >> Arizona >> AZ Unit 3B Huntmap. Special Regulations: Legal animals include any bear, except a sow with cubs. See R12-4-108 of the Arizona Hunting Regulations for legal descriptions of Game Management Unit Boundaries. Buy BLM and Forest Service Maps for western public lands. For hunters who prefer to hunt on public lands without the complications found in northern portions of the unit, hunting south of Hwy 60 is best. Hunting or attempting to stalk to the roost itself generally proves unsuccessful, and is considered unethical by many spring turkey hunters. Show Low, Pinetop-Lakeside, Snowflake-Taylor, Major Highways and Roads Leading To Some early morning deer will be located in lower and open flats, however, stalking opportunities are complicated for archery and muzzleloader hunters due to lack of available cover. Click on the small map at left to view a larger sample image. The roadless area within the unit isn't a bad option, but it's definitely not your only option for a bigger than average bull. Overview: Elk management in Unit 3B focuses primarily on migratory animals utilizing historical breeding and wintering grounds in the southern portions of the unit. Squirrels are active throughout the day, although the best hunting seems to be from first light to mid-morning. Remember that your hunting license can be revoked for littering while hunting. Now with the random draw look for units that will offer enough tags and apply to that unit. © 2020 by Longcreative, LLC Terms and policies. This unit also offers one of the best late hunts in Arizona. My dad just called me from his hunt south of Arivaca in 36B. If you really want to hunt Arizona more than once in your lifetime you should pick a late season hunt and learn that unit. Turkeys are more vulnerable during spring and are known to respond to ‘shock’ gobbles from a wide variety of marketed locator-type calls, including owl hoots and gobbles. Arizona Unit 8 has produced some of the highest scoring public land bull elk ever taken in the world. Severe weather can occur during late hunts, and hunters should be prepared for heavy snow and freezing temperatures. There's some really good late season hunts where your main challenge will be finding a bull not … A great traditional Topo map with enhancements specific to Arizona. Again, with a little pre-scouting and landowner contacts, hunters may be rewarded with an above average harvest. Deer observations in the southern portion of Unit 3B have been increasing over the past two years, potentially due to higher fawn survival rates on Forest Service lands. These violations can be avoided by such things as studying waterfowl identification booklets, available through Department offices, and positively identifying ducks prior to pulling the trigger. The animals are well dispersed in open country, but, due to the checkerboard land ownership patterns, hunters should scout prior to the hunt to find access roads. Load More. By doing ample pre-season scouting, early bull hunts can be very successful. Highways, roads, cities, towns and even ghost towns! Unit 3B – Arizona Species Information Antelope Overview: Pronghorn antelope are the most widely spread big game animal in Unit 3B. Followers 0. Arizona Elk Hunting. These specially made topographic maps feature 60’ × 30’ quadrangle data with a red overprint that depicts the wildlife management unit boundaries, yellow overprint that depicts public land roads, and blue overprint that depicts official Arizona … Several days of scouting will be necessary to properly locate birds and develop hunting strategies. Does anyone have any pointers I … They can be located anywhere in the unit, with the highest buck-to-doe ratios and highest overall numbers occurring in the … Continue reading "Unit 3B – Arizona" The female harvest limit is also affected by female bears destroyed by the Department by policy because of human-wildlife conflicts. Sportsmen will find that hunt quality and the quantity of birds are weather-related, and affected by both local weather conditions and weather fronts throughout the northern states of the flyway. After our Arizona hunt last Fall we came home with a new appreciation for water tanks. Camouflage, including face netting, is strongly recommended. A good rule-of-thumb is calm and clear days early in the season are less productive than breezy and overcast days late in the season. For hunters who might consider applying for Unit 3B deer hunts, the overall hunter success rate averages about 20 percent. A hunting license and permit-tag are required, and both can be purchased over the counter at any Game and Fish Department office or license dealer. Long Lake and immediate surrounding areas are central to these popular hunting locations, found just outside of Show Low. We stock the complete set of 1:100k scale USGS-based topographic maps by Arizona Game Management Unit—or special hunt area designation. From the South: U.S. 60, State Hwy 73, Downtown Lakeside; Scott’s Reservoir, north of Lakeside; Los Burros, northeast of McNary near Lake Mountain; Fool Hollow State Park, north of Show Low. … Search Log in Cart. Areas: Pre-season scouting is strongly suggested prior to all hunts. https://mytopo.com/products/hunt-area-unit.cfm?state=AZ&species=ALL&gmu… If a hunter freezes the skull or hide before presenting it for inspection, the hunter shall prop the jaw open to allow access to the teeth and ensure that the attached proof of sex is identifiable and accessible. Deep snow at higher elevations prompts wintering elk to migrate northward. As a result, general permits have been reduced and an archery hunt is no longer offered in the unit. From the East: U.S. 60, State Hwy 61 Arizona Hunting Maps $ 50.00 – $ 90.00. Just added to your cart. Establishing local contacts and pre-season scouting for fresh deer sign will greatly improve the quality and success rates for this difficult hunt. The terrain here consists of … Hunters should always be aware of fresh sign around water holes and drainages. Unit 36B arivaca Discussion in 'Big Game' started by El Brando, Oct 28, 2009. The map shows Tonto National Forest, McDowell Mountain County Regional Park, and four wilderness areas. They also produce the best opportunities for the unit, where occasional bucks approaching 30-inch main beam spreads can be found. Additionally, some of the Unit 1 hunts also include Unit 2B and/or Unit … Contact us quickly if … First time elk hunter hunting Arizona unit 6A , by Rob Marchio (Omaha, Ne)~ I'm a first time elk hunter hunting Arizona's unit 6A. Wolf Mountain is also a popular hunting area during the early hunts due to the high numbers of bears and the close proximity to rocky slopes and thick oak stands. Find BLM maps, Forest Service maps, and recreation maps for Arizona Hunting Unit 3B Game Management Unit 3B regulates hunting opportunities in Arizona and covers 370,688 acres.Check out the public land access and historical weather. Within 10 days of taking a bear, the hunter shall present the bear’s skull, hide, and attached proof of sex for inspection. Price $39.00. Hey guys. Arizona Elk Hunts Gallery - Come see what it's like to have a hunt with us. Most stalking will be uphill, but in brush cover favorable to the hunter. Hounds are the most effect method to harvest a bear. Map ID: AZ-2020-3B: Species: ALL: Hunt Unit: Arizona GMU 3B, Hunting Unit Map: Map Size: 24" x 36" Price: $21.95: If you're looking for a more detailed map or aerial photo of a portion of this GMU you can also build a custom map for Arizona GMU 3B. This means that scouting and hunting may be necessary throughout the entire hunt. PROMOTIONS & DISCOUNTS. There's not really a bad unit. Overview: The Unit 3B deer population is predominately mule deer, with an occasional sighting of a white-tailed deer being reported. 4389415714901 $7.99 Add to Shopping Cart. Additionally, each individual tribe controls hunting… Still-hunting is a preferred hunting method, where the hunter walks slowly, stopping and sitting often while the forest “quiets down.” Scanning trees and the forest floor while still-hunting will provide quality time for both hunting and enjoying the day with a hunting partner, whether young or experienced. Secondary Categorization: Hunting & Fishing. Although improving, recent extended drought conditions have severely affected annual recruitment of fawns into the adult population of the mule deer herd. Hunting opportunities also exist on U.S. Forest Service lands immediately north and also south of Hwy 60, where home ranges are more contained and movement patterns more predictable. Timber Knoll in the Vernon area and USFS areas surrounding the Pinetop-Lakeside Country Club also provide similar hunting opportunities for nuisance bears. In the northeastern part of Unit 3B, hunters should scout areas near Windsor Valley, Critchlow Flat and from Mesa Redonda east to Mormon Hill, just outside the town of Concho. He ended up in an area with alot of WT and he is MD hunting. Lion hunters should be familiar with the following laws and regulations prior to going lion hunting. Find BLM maps, Forest Service maps, and recreation maps for Arizona Hunting Unit 37A Qty: View cart () Continue shopping Thank you for supporting YOUR public lands! Published: 2019-May Language: English Size: 72.8 MB See all maps by Arizona HuntData LLC Maps purchased here can only be viewed in the Avenza Maps app on iOS and Android. All hunters must contact an Arizona Game and Fish Department office in person or by telephone at 1-800-970-BEAR (2327) within 48 hours of taking a bear. Camping is allowed on Forest Service administered lands throughout unit (except closed Habitat Areas). Fishing and boating at Woods Canyon Lake. Maps for Arizona Hunting Units Select a hunting unit from the dropdown menu or click a unit on the map below. Lion observations have been reported throughout the unit, but with no consistency. Land Status: Widely dispersed private lands create a checkerboard of land ownership north of Hwy 60 where favorable deer hunting opportunities exist. The… Read More >>> Bowhunters: Know Your Duties and Role in Conservation. Morning hunts generally prove most successful, but are usually over by 6:00 a.m. if birds have not been located. El Brando. Purchase steel shot prior to the season and remove all lead shot from your gear. Hunters need to be aware of Rule 12-4-303 that prohibit discharging a firearm or archery equipment with a ¼ mile of an occupied residence without the resident’s permission. Bowhunters like you help conserve wildlife and wild places every time they buy a hunting license, or a bow, arrows and broadheads. Early snowfall may lead to road closures. These bears establish predictable travel routes that can be detected by scouting Billy Creek and Springer Mountain. Submit. 2019-2020 Arizona Hunting Regulations. Peak … Elk Are … Large herds may be located here during late hunts. Our UNIT 3 B … Besides the genetics, Unit 10 is very easy to hunt. Care should be taken to ensure hunters are outside ¼ mile of structures and should secure permission prior to hunting on private property. Arizona Hunting Unit 5A Arizona Hunting Unit 4A Arizona Hunting Unit 3C Arizona Hunting Unit 3B Arizona Hunting Unit 3A Arizona Hunting Unit 27 Arizona Hunting Unit 1 Hunters should locate, call, and hunt open areas within 100-150 yards of a roost in the very early morning hours of dawn. Arizona Hunt Unit 27 North Half Map. We stock the complete set of 1:100k scale USGS-based topographic maps by Arizona Game Management Unit—or special hunt area designation. Maps for Arizona Hunting Units Select a hunting unit from the dropdown menu or click a unit on the map below. Hunting techniques in these areas vary annually due to weather fluctuations, and hunters should adjust accordingly. Primary Category: Recreation. At least they … HuntData Arizona Elk Hunt Unit 3B Game Concentration Map Get this Map What's new: New Concentration Data and Water Tank Locations. Areas: Woolhouse Habitat Area, south of Hwy 60, is a popular hunting area for antelope by archery hunters drawn for 3B South hunts. Antelope can be glassed with ease from the numerous knolls and mountains here. Arizona Hunt Unit 27 North Half Map. From the West: Interstate State Hwy 277, 260 Areas: Jacques Marsh, Allen Severson Memorial Wildlife Area, Silver Creek, Sponseller Lake and Little Mormon Lake. Differentiates between public and private … The best technique for obtaining a bag limit is to hunt over decoys with a good dog, but some good areas, such as Silver Creek, do exist for jump-shooting opportunities. Elk during this time will primarily be at higher elevations, south of Hwy 60. AZ hunting units include Game Management Units (GMUs), which you can combine with public land, private property ownership, and topo/satellite maps. AZ HuntMap Unit 3B topographic 1:100000 scale. Most lions have been taken while hunters were involved in some other type of hunting. The General George Crook National Recreation Trail is shown. The Apache/Sitgreaves roads are open during the hunting season. Bear hunters are encouraged to hunt these areas to assist local nuisance black bear management needs. Hunters considering applying for Unit 3B deer hunts should not consider this a trophy hunt unit… BLM Maps Map: Springerville AZ - Surface Management Agency: BLM BLM map shows roads, campgrounds, national forest lands, and topographic detail. Muzzleloader. Overview: Pronghorn antelope are the most widely spread big game animal in Unit 3B. Categories: Topo Hunting Maps by Unit, Arizona Hunting Maps by Unit, Arizona Hunting Maps 3B Topo Map Tag: Arizona Unit 3B. Overview: Waterfowl hunting in Unit 3B is limited, but quality hunting opportunities do exist. Hunters are responsible for calling 1-800-970-BEAR to determine if Unit 3B, or any other desired hunt unit, is still open. Lion tracks are as rare as lion sightings. Download and print hunt maps for Arizona. Most areas in the unit improve later in the season as higher elevation lakes freeze and inclement weather patterns in northern states cause migrant birds to arrive. This restriction requires hunters to study located animals prior to harvesting them, and establish that cubs are not nearby and simply out of sight. The permit will have the hunt unit printed on it (e.g., Unit 1) along with the herd unit (e.g., Escudilla Hunt Area, Unit 1 East). However, it is this challenge that makes hunting this very noble and elusive wild animal a worthwhile adventure, and it is what drives avid spring turkey hunters, not the actual harvest. The terrain in these recommended areas is predominately flat, with large irregular open areas surrounded mostly by juniper trees. Beginning at Snowflake; southerly along State Route 77 to State Route 60; southwesterly along State Route 60 to the Fort Apache Indian Reservation boundary; easterly along the reservation boundary to the Vernon-McNary road (FR 224); northerly along this road to U.S. Hwy 60; west on U.S. Hwy 60 to AZ Hwy 61; northeasterly on AZ Hwy 61 to AZ Hwy 180A; northerly on AZ Hwy 180A to Concho-Snowflake road; westerly on the Concho- Snowflake road to Snowflake. I also have very little experience with either one of these units so any and all help will be appreciated. The USFS Woolhouse Habitat Area is closed to all motor vehicles. Buck-to-doe ratios are higher than elsewhere in the unit, possibly due to the expansion of housing and fragmentation of habitat making hunting opportunities more difficult. Arizona Hunting Maps. You can fold it, roll it or just crunch it up and stuff it in your rucksack, HuntMap will always lay out flat. Arizona GMU 4B Hunting Map Get this Map ... Our GMU Hunting Maps are the finest available and include spectacular 3D Hillshade topography, topographic lines, public land ownership boundaries, roads, creeks, streams, rivers, and key terrain features along with deer and elk migration patterns. These maps … Map is useful for AZ hunting Units 1, 27, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, and 4B. Although improving, recent extended … Unit 10 is our #1 pick for the best unit for elk hunting in Arizona. Maps for the region Arizona Hunting Unit 3B. It will also allow hunters to select for mature animals. In good, consecutive rainfall years, these areas produce moderate numbers of mule deer. This event is typically held during the first weekend of the squirrel season in October and includes tips for hunting small game, demonstrations and various outdoor activities. Off FR 117 Wildlife and wild places every time they buy a hunting license, or by phone can... Unit map with enhancements specific to Arizona during fall hunts south to juniper grassland able! 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