The Outfitter will assist in this process and give you the correct hunt numbers to use. Simply put if you harvest a deer in Jan. OTC then you may only apply for a bonus point for the deer draw in June. The state estimates 85,000 to 100,000 mule deer in 2017 through 2020.. A bout 135,000 deer in 2014 when populations were devastated by drought. The population declined from the 1980's, but somewhat stable since 2000. The new limit is 500 nonresident DAV deer tags and 300 nonresident DAV elk tags for over-the-counter deer and elk hunts, which was previously approved by the Commission as a temporary rule and takes effect Dec. 1, 2020. In fact, with scaled and Gambel’s quail inhabiting the same part of the state as Mearns’ it’s possible for a wing-shooter to complete the Arizona “Grand Slam.” Keep that shotgun close at hand, as dove and waterfowl seasons also will be underway. A non-resident license costs $160 and is valid 365 days from the date of purchase. The Kaibab and Arizona Strip regions of the state are known for producing massive bucks that continue to break records. Credit card type, account number, expiration date and zip code. Over the Counter Non-Permit Tags. Coues deer are most common in Arizona's southeastern mountains, but can be found on the edge of the Mogollon Rim and into the White Mountains. When you think about it, what doesn’t Arizona have to offer its non-resident hunters? He passed away this afternoon and I find myself thinking of our time spent in the woods and on the water together. Hunting in Arizona . Want to receive updates about upcoming auctions? The following factors may prevent the notifications from being sent on time or at all: Copyright 1996 - 2020 © Online Hunting Auctions, 2019 Arizona Special License - Mule Deer Tag. MDF returns 100% of your donation to Arizona Game & Fish Department for management and habitat projects that will benefit mule deer. Oct 2, 2014 #2 Big Fin Administrator. John Deere combine overview. A non-resident license costs $160 and is valid 365 days from the date of purchase. Montana operates on a landowner preference and sponsor program and requires 160 acres for deer and 640 acres for elk tags. Resident Second-Deer Tag or Second-Deer Tag Drawing Application: $41.86: Nonresident First-Deer Tag or First-Deer Tag Drawing Application: $299.95: Nonresident Second-Deer Tag or Second-Deer Tag Drawing Application: $299.95: Elk, Pronghorn Antelope and Bighorn Sheep Tag Drawing Applications: $8.13 per application I'm needing recommendations for OTC elk tags (doesn't matter cow or bull tag) for Arizona! In January, for example, a non-resident hunter can purchase an “over the counter” archery-only nonpermit-tag for either white-tailed or mule deer, or a leftover hunt permit-tag for javelina, without having to expend accumulated bonus points. I'd also like recommendations for a OTC deer tag. Please tell me it ain't so! This is my dad 17 years ago, I was six at the time. I'll miss you dad. Get daily email alerts when new items become available that contain the following category and keywords. The early season Arizona archery mule deer hunts take place from mid August through early September when most of the Arizona mule deer bucks are still in the velvet while the late season … Both residents and nonresidents can hunt. In addition to a valid credit card, full name, address, phone number, and email address are required to sign up for the auction. Kansas. Deer Tag Fee – $300.00 (You must purchase a deer tag to hunt the OTC archery mule deer hunt. A valid Arizona hunting license is a tremendous value. The tag allows a licensed hunter to take one antlered mule deer in any legal hunting unit in Arizona. So be sure to ask the right questions at the right time. You will NOT lose any bonus points if you harvest a mule deer on an OTC hunt. Trying to make the most of this hunting season as I'm no longer a resident of ID! His hunt lasted 15 minutes! Applicable shipping charges apply and will be added to purchase price and will vary by country to which item is being shipped. Arizona is legendary for its outstanding mule deer herd. That tag is good for the calendar year. A 3% CC processing fee will be applied to all credit card transactions on State Issued Permits sold in the auction. A lot of areas have overlapping populations of mule deer and Coues deer. That’s right, we said OVER THE COUNTER TROPHY MULE DEER TAGS. Archery season has over-the-counter availability state wide. Option 2: is to purchase an over the counter archery mule deer tag for the southern desert and central Arizona archery mule deer hunts. He said he just wanted to fill his tag so no trophy hunting for this guy. We do not accept personal checks or money orders for final payment. Key Features. Buy your online license today. You can choose to be notified via SMS Text message and/or Email via the subscription settings page in your account. Yes, you may be allowed more than one and it is advisable that you find out the details from the authorities about that. PointGuard for Protecting your Bonus Points, Survey Harvest & Hunt Data for Big & Small Game. That’s only 44 cents a day! The only OTC elk tags they offer have very low success. For example, tags per person for an animal may be constrained or even the use of rifles. A simple 50 question test and $300.00 is the only thing stopping anyone (including you) from becoming an outfitter in the state of Arizona. North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, Europe. A registered resident landowner deer combination license can be applied for when a landowner is granting access to hunting on the property to a nonresident hunter. Subscribing to the Lot Closing Notification for an item will trigger our system to notify you about 5-10 minutes before the bidding closes. The Kaibab and Arizona Strip regions of the state are known for producing massive bucks that continue to break records. Kill one deer a year but you could come hunt deer with your bow and you can hunt them in velvet, you can hunt them during the rut; pre-rut, full-rut, post-rut. Welcome to the New Lot Closing Notification Feature. Landowner tags are not included on prices these are guide fees only.. A non-refundable pre-payment of 50% is required to book a hunt. Learn more. Its quality is on-par with a $2,000 pair of binoculars, but cost less than $700. There are over 375 registered guides and only a dozen or so outfitters who do this full time. Please note that these Arizona Deer Season Dates are from Arizona’s Department of Wildlife’s website and … The sure-fire way to get into Coues country is with a bow. Your OTC archery deer tag is also not species specific either. Get Outdoors (includes: Annual Fish Washington License, 2 pole and Puget Sound Crab endorsements, Deer + Elk + Bear + Cougar License w/ discounted Small game license, deer, elk, bear, cougar tags + 2 turkey tags, migratory bird permit and migratory bird hunt authorization) All credit card purchases for state issued permits will require a 3% credit card processing fee added to the bid price. Arizona Deer Population: A 2020 estimate of 178,000 deer, about 159,000 in 2017, 150,000 in 2016, and 159,000 in 2015. With the 2013 Arizona Deer regulations being available online now, the Arizona Strip Guides Team thought we would go over the mule deer tag numbers that are available in each of the different mule deer hunts and different units on the Arizona Strip. This is one of the last deer he got and one of the few hunting pictures I have of him. The Coues deer is a subspecies of the white-tailed deer. The state has two distinct species, the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Odds for drawing rifle season desert mule deer tags are fair at around 50%. Arizona Deer Association President Don McDowell was honored to present the Arizona Game and Fish Department with a check for $10,000 to jump start the 18A Habitat Restoration Project. Then there’s the comfortable, shirt-sleeve weather – you know, the kind we brag about to family and friends while they’re shivering in other parts of the country. We also can purchase this upon arrival). A deer tag for a non-resident is $300.00 plus a $15.00 application fee. They are most abundant in areas of predictable summer precipitation. Price of admission? Species and hunts available are: archery-only deer (some unit restrictions); limited op Hunters must apply for timeframe choices within a given area. Let’s start with the incredible variety of year-round hunting opportunities, for both big game and small game. If you’re only using a hunting license to accumulate bonus points while hoping to draw a hunt permit-tag for any one of the state’s coveted big game species, you’re really missing out. A valid Arizona hunting license is a tremendous value. Ticket prices range from $5 to $25 each, depending on species. … There are many opportunities to go hunting that do not require hunters to submit an application for a hunt permit-tag via the Draw. A non-resident hunting and fishing combination permit is an additional $160.00 and is required. People buy tickets for a chance to win one or more of the tags. Just buy a license, buy a tag, and bring a bow. That’s only 44 cents a day! Rifle Mule Deer Hunt Booking Info: The first step for a rifle season mule deer hunt is to apply for rifle tags and licenses in May. Licenses are available There are 287 leftover hunt permit-tags available for general deer hunts, with most of those hunts being for antlered white-tailed deer only in Game Management Units (GMUs) in the southeastern portion of the state. Nov 3 2012. The tag allows a licensed hunter to take one antlered mule deer in any legal hunting unit in Arizona. Your tag is good for either species, so pick your pudding. PHOENIX — Arizona hunters will have an opportunity to receive a hunt permit-tag for select 2020 deer, fall turkey and fall youth-only javelina hunts. Every license purchased online from the Arizona Game and Fish Department contributes directly to our on-the-ground conservation efforts. I primarily rifle hunt but getting a bow ready would also be an option. With add-on features, it’s not hard to reach the $600,000 price tag, either. … I've been preparing to buy a tag for over a Year and I'm just now heading that buying a tag instead of entering the drawing only gives you the right to use archery. It soon will be that time of year when the weather couldn’t be more perfect for an “Arizona Hunting Safari,” especially in southern Arizona. It has become one of the most overlooked and underrated hunts in the southwest. Items purchased in the auction must be paid in full at time of winning bid. All other items, excluding state issued permits, will not be charged a credit card processing fee. Arizona offers some of the best hunting in the nation. You contribute to conservation in Arizona by purchasing a license with the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Arizona offers over-the-counter (OTC) archery mule deer and Coues deer hunts during prime hunting times in prime hunting units. Arizona is legendary for its outstanding mule deer herd. They are also monitored that can tell a farmer how much moisture is in the crops and even the yield figures for that particular portion of the field. Drought in 2018 reduced populations somewhat. Garmin inReach Explorer+, Handheld S…. As a reminder, your license can be used to apply for a 2017 elk or pronghorn hunt permit-tag before the February deadline (the application period opens in January). The cost is $160 for adults, but only $5 for the youth license. Check online with Arizona Game and Fish for details. The ADA Board of Directors voted to adopt the 18A Habitat Restoration Project as an ADA Premier Wildlife Enhancement Project. Elk at Smith Basin Ranch . In Arizona, you can come and buy the over-the-counter mule deer tag for Coues deer tag. 2019 Arizona Deer Season Dates | General Deer Season Dates. If you have hunted in Arizona before, you know of the diversity of wildlife and habitat that provide extraordinary hunting opportunities. A nonresident adult hunting license will be $185, a deer tag will cost $351.75 and an elk tag will cost $651.75. And, of course, there’s plenty of elbow room out here. A friend tags his first Mule Deer in Arizona. ARCHERY DEER TAGS ARE AVAILABLE OVER THE COUNTER. In fact, Arizona is comprised of 60 percent public land, along with plenty of private land made available through the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Access Program, which is partially funded by the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program through the Farm Bill. Tag: 104865 Make: John Deere Category: Compact Construction Year: 2017 Hours: 1092 Description: CAB, A/C, JOYSTICK CONTROLS, WIDE TRACKS, RIDE CONTROL, REVERSING FAN, 84" BUCKET. Cards to be processed immediately after purchase. All Big Game licenses include corresponding tag(s). However you may not harvest 2 mule deer in the same calendar year. Licenses are available online and at department offices and license dealers statewide. The 2018 models offered by John Deere often offer guidance systems that can help farmers steer through the field. Private property is OK with permission. The best part about this OTC hunt is that there is no draw, no application and no waiting. On this post we will only be covering unit 13B and Unit 13A on the Arizona Strip. Early Season – Everybody dreams about the Arizona Strip or the Kaibab, but Arizona also has some awesome over the counter archery hunts for early season mule deer and Coues deer bucks. To help get you started looking for that perfect place to hunt, visit Re-print a License If, for any reason, the credit card is declined at time of purchase, the item will be resold and any applicable fees will be charged to your card or invoiced accordingly. If this is your first time hunting in Arizona, you are in for a memorable experience. A willing heart, a $160 nonresident hunting license and a $300 OTC deer tag and you will have the start of an adventure on your hands. Private property is OK with permission. The winter months also are for the birds – like Mearns’ quail, one of the most enjoyable of game birds to hunt over a dog. All sales are final. Purchase a License. Referred to as over-the-counter tags, these permits are available for purchase from department offices and in many cases from license dealers. The most numerous, widespread and popular of Arizona's big-game animals are deer. ARIZONA STRIP MULE DEER TAGS. All other big game tags (except mountain lion) $10.00: Elk management fee (per elk hunt application) $5.00: Predator fee (per application) $3.00: Bonus point only application (exempt from elk management and predator fees) $10.00: Processing fee (per application) $1.00: Resident Tags. Each year the Arizona Game and Fish Commission sets aside one tag for each of 10 big game species—bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, antelope, bison, turkey, bear, javelina and mountain lion—for the purpose of being offered through the Super Raffle. $441.90. We have found that these deer prefer to range from 3000 to 7000 … Can I not purchase a mule deer tag in Arizona for use of a rifle? Arizona deer season dates that are shown on this page are either upcoming or currently open. As a reminder, your license can be used to apply for a 2017 elk or pronghorn hunt permit-tag before the February deadline (the application period opens in January). Archery mule deer hunters who are lucky enough to draw a coveted Arizona Strip unit 13A archery mule deer tag will enjoy a very high quality hunt for giant Arizona Strip bucks that are in the velvet. EXTENDED POWER TRAIN AND HYDRAULIC WARRANTY GOOD THROUGH 12/28/18 OR 2,000 HOURS. 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