First time we hear the now-famous "Star Trek fight music," done in 5/4 time, when Kirk and Spock battle. BANG Showbiz. Their goal was to demonstrate, with the artifact, that the Syrannites were not violent, and that Vulcan civilization had strayed from the teachings of Surak, whose philosophies had brought peace to a war-torn Vulcan 1,800 years earlier. (Plomeek soup, by the way, is a Vulcan dish, generally assumed to be of the bland vegetable variety.). Next Stonn and T'Pring are shown observing from their viewpoint. At her audition with the producers of Enterprise, Zediker was uncertain about what the role would entail. Episode: s02e05 Amok Time Summary Six hours after T'Pring chooses challenge at her koon-ut kal-i-fee , she decides that she no more desires to live on Vulcan with Stonn than she had desired to … Affiliation: Kirk at one point says to Spock, "You have been called the best first officer in the fleet." The actress remembered, "I turned to Scott and I said, 'I'm sure you've noticed that I turn to the camera only when you're talking and then scream 'T'Pau!' Latex ears, dark yellow make-up and a wig completed Zediker's physical transformation into T'Pau. She still has some learning to do. Originally, the main character of T'Pol on Star Trek: Enterprise was intended to be a younger version of T'Pau. Shortly after co-creating Enterprise with Berman, Braga mused, "We could still find out T'Pol is related (to T'Pau). (Star Trek Magazine issue 155, p. 36), The original T'Pau was played by actress Celia Lovsky. Great stature and importance." "Amok Time" is a terrific opening to the second season. First appearance of the Vulcan hand salute. I had been promised excessive subtext and a bottle of champagne. In this way our minds were locked together, so that at the proper time, we would both be drawn to Koon-ut-kal-if-fee. After this outburst, he demands that C… T'Pau was instrumental in helping Archer and T'Pol return to the High Command with the artifact, which contained the original writings of Surak. Episode Info: 3/19/20: AMOK TIME – FUGIT INREPARABLE TEMPUS W/ MARSHALL BARNES Within the quantum spectrum, our reality is truly a mystery. However, in the novel Vulcan's Heart, T'Pau is present at Ambassador Spock and Saavik's wedding in 2329 – which, as a nod to her apparent death in Spock's World, comes as quite a surprise to McCoy. It would have been like in those old Batman fight scenes, when they'd use 'Kapow!' It sounds silly to use an animal [as a model], but that word 'feline' that Jolene uses was a nice jumping on point for me." She later saved Captain Kirk's career, as he had diverted course to the planet against direct orders, by telling Starfleet she had requested his visit to Vulcan. It was prohibitively expensive." (VOY: "Darkling"), "I'm here to find the person who bombed the Earth embassy. 11/12, p. 97) Not written into this first draft script was T'Pau's involvement in justifying Kirk's recent diversion to Vulcan. (I Am Spock, hardback ed., p. 67) Originally from Vienna, Lovsky played the character with a strong Viennese accent. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 134, p. 76) Strong commented, "Unfortunately, we couldn't get the rights to do that. T'Pau appears in the novel The Vulcan Academy Murders, where she assists James T. Kirk with his investigation into a series of mysterious deaths at the Vulcan Science Academy, and also presides over the "trial" of one of the murder suspects. (A jingling sound gets louder, and Spock strikes the gong again. ", "It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin. (I Am Spock, hardback ed., p. 73), In 1986, the name "T'Pau" ended up being adopted by a music band led by Carol Decker, who took the inspiration from "Amok Time" playing on a television she was watching while doing some ironing. (Star Trek Monthly issue 84, p. 40) Writer Garfield Reeves-Stevens noted, "The reticence that T'Pau has and her disdain for Humans, that actually fueled the depiction of Vulcans in the era of Enterprise, where that was the main view – that was how all Vulcans looked upon Humans." Another innovation of the second season was the further-expanded sickbay that now includes McCoy's new office. “Amok Time” Written by Theodore Sturgeon Directed by Joseph Pevney Season 2, Episode 5 Production episode 60334 Original air date: September 15, 1967 Stardate: 3372.7 Captain’s lo… The second season rarely featured Lt. Sulu (. star-trek star-trek-tos title-explanation. 27, No. When child model Mary Elizabeth Rice posed as seven year-old T'pring (fitted with only one ear prosthetic, since a single still photograph taken from the side was all the script called for), she was ill with chicken pox, replete with fever. As the camera returns to T'Pau, Spock rises from the meld and withdraws. In the original script, there were a few more Vulcan words. Syrran was killed in a sandfire storm while leading Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol to the Syrrannite base, and before he died, he transferred the katra of Surak, through a mind-meld, into Jonathan Archer, who was investigating the alleged connection between T'Pau and the bombing of the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan. It was fortunate, actually, that I ended up having that shag wig, because my left ear sticks out more than the right one. because it was more like a shag haircut. ("To Boldly Go: Launching Enterprise, Part II: Boarding the NX-01", ENT Season 1 Blu-ray special features) As Executive Producer Brannon Braga more specifically explained in 2010, the ENT character's name was changed to avoid having to deal with the "legal component" of the original TOS writer who had invented T'Pau (and because "T'Pol" was thought to be an easier name to pronounce). 11/12, p. 68) Other examples of T'Pau acting differently in the first draft script than she does in the episode's final version were tolerating numerous interferences during the fight between Kirk and Spock, such as Stonn throwing a rock at Spock. The plomeek soup that Spock hurls at a wall stained the set for several weeks after. Star Trek: The Original Series: Balance of Terror. Browse more videos. These events led to the dissolution of the High Command and the dismissal of the traitor V'Las from his post as administrator. At the 50th anniversary "Star Trek" convention in Las Vegas in August 2016, fans voted this the fourth best episode of the "Star Trek" franchise. "When I first put [the hair] on I thought, 'Am I Jane Fonda in Klute?' Amok Time 108 New South Road Suite C Hicksville NY 11801; Call us at 516-520-0975 "When I got hired to play T'Pau, I had a week to cram, so I was renting everything Star Trek that I could," recalled Zediker. ", "I've had my fill of mind melds." into the camera whenever I'd kick someone. Connections In 2154, T'Pau was falsely accused by the Vulcan High Command of the bombing of the United Earth Embassy, which had killed many Humans including Admiral Maxwell … During the filming of the episode "Kir'Shara" (the last episode to feature T'Pau), Diana Lee Inosanto was Kara Zediker's stunt double, momentarily appearing as T'Pau. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, pp. In the novel Spock's World, T'Pau dies of an illness in 2276, but lives long enough to pass her katra to Amanda Grayson and reveal to Sarek the truth behind T'Pring's vengeful scheme to have Vulcan secede from the Federation, which Sarek makes public, resulting in the secession vote failing miserably. She became the de facto leader of at least part of the Syrranites following the death of Syrran. I have killed my captain and my friend. (VOY: "Darkling"). Spartacus influence upon "Amok Time" The 1960 "Spartacus" film has a scene near the end where Spartacus' troops are marching to meet up with Crassus' legions for a final battle. ", T'Pau was one of several characters which were added to the story of "Amok Time" by the episode's writer, Theodore Sturgeon, in an effort to address NBC's Stan Robertson feeling that more Vulcans than T'Pring had to be included in the episode. (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 53) Noted Leonard Nimoy, "As a result of his theatrical background, Joe had previously worked with Celia [...] and decided she would be perfect for the part." This is an homage to science fiction author. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 98), It is also notable that T'Pau's previously-established strong Viennese accent was mostly absent during her youthful appearance on Enterprise. 43:56. I first watched “Amok Time” with some friends relatively soon after my diagnosis. "I could relate to that, that sort of feline [movement and attitude]," related Zediker. Opinionated Star Trek Episode Guide returns with a look at the season 2 opener, wherein Spock has an embarrassing problem, and takes it out on his soup. T'Pau's mirror universe counterpart (β) appeared in the novella "Age of the Empress". "The prospect doesn't appeal to me, either. 69 & 232) While setting-up scenes in which Lovsky was to play the character, Jeannie Malone was the stand-in for the actress but wore a less elaborate costume. She was cast by Director Joseph Pevney. She at first did not approve that Spock had brought outsiders to the ceremony but allowed them to stay when Spock explained that they were his close friends. Celia Lovsky, the actress, played her beautifully. Goofs (Starlog #77) Nimoy speculated that the routine of having "T'P" at the start of Vulcan female names was "perhaps in honor of that grand matriarch, T'Pau." Arlene Martel, Actress: Star Trek. She later commented that her sickness had been a plus, as it made her appear more serious. (I Am Spock, hardback ed., pp. "She's the one I remember most from ST:TOS, and after I was hired I thought, 'Thank God my instincts were right on.' The option of including T'Pau in the series nonetheless remained a viable one. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He knows it all, and was a great resource for me. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 98). And he said [mock-seriously], 'Yes, and I wish you'd do that in our fight scenes as well.' During the "Claw-plach" ceremony, the first weapon available for the combatants to choose from matches the weapon used by Kirk and Spock in "Amok Time." In 2154, T'Pau was falsely accused by the Vulcan High Command of the bombing of the United Earth Embassy, which had killed many Humans including Admiral Maxwell Forrest. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 97) A laughing Zediker similarly concluded an interview – simultaneously referencing the original depiction of the character – by exclaiming, "Kroykah!" (Star Trek: Communicator issue 135, p. 21), Even before Garfield and Judith Reeves-Stevens had a story for the episode that became "The Forge", T'Pau was one of two elements (the other being a sehlat) that the writing duo knew they wanted to include in the episode. The kal-if-fee or challenge is an ancient Vulcan tradition. This is our way. | "It just made an impression on me." T'Pau begins the meld by carefully positioning her fingers on his face as Spock kneels before her. What started as a way to pay for a Law/Education Degree led to owner Paul James Lazo being swayed to the “Dark Side”. Another episode showing a lot of crew members walking around the halls, in and out of camera view. Is there an intentional connection there, as in “it’s time to run amok”? Lawrence Montaigne appeared with William Shatner in an episode of The Outer Limits: Cold Hands, Warm Heart(1964) where Shatner played an astronaut struggling both physically and mentally after returning from a mission to Venus called "Project Vulcan" years before Star Trek: TOS was first broadcasted. 14:57. Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, When Saavik suggests that Nogura contact T'Pau for further information, he seems disinclined to do so, and Spock wryly reflects that T'Pau is perhaps the one being in the entire galaxy capable of intimidating the famously tough Nogura. (TNG: "Unification I", "Unification II"), A holographic simulation of T'Pau was among several historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor in 2373, while he was making an attempt to expand his personality subroutines. Decker recalled, "I just thought it was a really snappy onomatopoeic word and I ran it by the band." The 254 year old Vulcan officiates over a ritualistic duel between USS Excalibur crew members Burgoyne 172 and Dr. Selar, over the right to parenthood of their child. The plot isn't much to speak of, but it serves its purpose—although the rules of Spock's chemical-emotional overload seem a little bit arbitrary. I thought, 'Okay, I get that.'" Occupation: This is the Vulcan heart. She was willing to risk the death of Archer in an attempt to remove Surak's katra from him, whether or not he was willing to take the risks the extraction might pose to a Human brain. (These Are the Voyages: TOS Season Two) In the final draft of the script, T'Pau was introduced with the following description: "Inside the sedan litter is T'Pau, an 'Elder,' a great force in the land. She is a woman of immense dignity, and her authority is obvious." The introduction of the character on the original series influenced the portrayal of Vulcans on Enterprise, including how Blalock played T'Pol. (The Star Trek Compendium) "Amok Time"'s depiction of the matriarch T'Pau was one of numerous aspects which, though introduced by Sturgeon, were then refined in a script rewrite by D.C. Fontana. (ENT: "United"), By 2267, now at the age of one hundred forty five, T'Pau was well known on Vulcan and was (at that time) the only individual who had ever turned down a seat on the Federation Council. The act of giving the Vulcan salute to Nimoy as Spock proved to be one difficulty that Lovsky faced in portraying T'Pau. (ENT: "The Forge") During the mid-22nd century, she was one of the leaders of the Syrrannite movement, which helped to reform Vulcan society by bringing forth the true teachings of the ancient Vulcan philosopher Surak. In the novel The Pandora Principle, Cadet Saavik is interviewed by Starfleet Admiral Nogura. So when I didn't have my wig on I looked like some bizarre, weird, fairy elf! "It's so nice to see that this little person – I'm kind of tiny – was able to command respect right away," she remarked. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, pp. ", "You have a lot to learn about Syrrannites." Vulcan (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 97) The actress was thankful for these appliances, thinking the latter was particularly remarkable. ("To Boldly Go: Launching Enterprise, Part II: Boarding the NX-01", ENT Season 1 Blu-ray special features) In the series bible for Enterprise, T'Pol was called T'Pau and "a special note to fans of the original Star Trek series" suggested they were "perhaps" the same character. (ENT: "Awakening", "Kir'Shara"), T'Pau later became a high-ranking minister in the new Vulcan government. T'Pau is an intense, zealous, and ruthlessly logical woman. Because she's exactly who I was thinking of. She accepted them once she found out that Syrran had transferred Surak's katra into Archer. Dr. McCoy notices that Spock is growing restless and has stopped eating, and decides to discuss this with Captain Kirk in the corridor outside Spock's quarters. Amok Time and Journey to Babel reveal a lot to the ST novice (are there any, after 50 years on TV?) Her later statement that Spock was deep in the plak-tow (blood fever) stage may have been confirmed by the mind meld. | Playing next. Though a line of dialogue identifies her as a thirty-two year-old in the final version of the episode, the script left her age in the story vague, with the same line stating, "T'Pau's current age is (TECH) standard years" (using the word "tech" as a temporary placeholder). "I was really fortunate in my preparation, because one of my coaches is a huge Trekker. Later, the katra guided Archer to recover an artifact, the Kir'Shara. At first, she distrusted Archer and T'Pol, who accused her of the bombing. 1:02. Her name is T'Pau, and she looks a hell of a lot like you! The others were Soval and Solkar. Pursuing the glamorous life, That's a joke kid's, selling vintage Star Wars, Super-Hero and Monster Memorabilia, Paul realized at an early age what collectors have a need for. Minister "We're ready. We don't sit back and do nothing while our people are attacked." The semi circular blade of the weapons kirk and Spock fight with is actually the digging blade from a regular garden bordering tool, available from any hardware store. VulcanSyrrannites (I Am Spock, hardback ed., p. 67) Anderson was initially rumored to be playing T'Pau herself, but this obviously proved untrue. She was certain of her path and would let nothing stand in her way. The camera returns to show T'Pau continuing to meld with Spock. Alternate Versions Kirk reasons that the mission is for ceremonial purposes, and the Enterprise is not needed, since it would be only one of three total starships. [2] The change was listed as one of six revisions of character names in a one-page "script note" at the start of the final draft script of ENT pilot "Broken Bow" (the page was dated 1 May 2001). Species: When talking to nurse Chapel Spock points out that, that as a half Vulcan, he dreams. It's got a great hook, solid acting all around, and some terrific twists. | She filmed her scenes on Wednesday 11 December 1996 on Paramount Stage 16. 27, No. Two men enter shaking contraptions with lots of bells, followed by a woman carried on a chair. This is the first ever Star Trek episode to feature any Vulcan characters other than Spock. Episode 8 : Mercredi maudit. Star Trek 2-1 Amok Time. Is that okay with you?' Status: In the simulation, T'Pau played kal-toh against Socrates as The Doctor conducted his interviews with the other historical figures. Spock would later use the ahn-woon and lirpa in combat in the book Time for Yesterday, by A.C. Crispin. Top 10 Baladas de Todos los Tiempos en Espanol. Amok Time began officially in the summer of 1992. "I shall do neither. Watch Star Trek: Remastered - Season 2, Episode 1 - Amok Time: Spock must go to Vulcan in order to perform the Vulcan mating ritual. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 96), The task of "originating" the role of T'Pau, though, gave Kara Zediker pause and she later admitted, "Playing T'Pau was a daunting privilege." about Spock. Gender: Quotes [TOS] Season 2, Episode 1 (Netflix: S2 E1): Amok Time. Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy met her, that year, in her capacity as a priestess officiating at Spock's formal wedding. "Amok Time" was the first aired episode in Season 2, but according to DVD Commentary, was actually filmed fifth. In the Star Trek: New Frontier novel Renaissance, T'Pau is shown to be alive as late as 2376. (Star Trek Magazine issue 121, p. 97), Amid breaks from filming some of Kara Zediker's scenes as T'Pau, the character's name featured in some light-hearted banter between Zediker and Archer actor Scott Bakula. Indeed, regardless of how challenging she found the task of assuming this persona, she was delighted to appear on Star Trek: Enterprise. In 2161 Anthem matching the battle theme from `` Amok Time '' was played by Celia. Blood fever ) stage may have been assessing Spock 's readiness to commence the.... Were extremely excited to show T'Pau continuing to meld with Spock. we used to audition as 'ruthlessly '! 2, but also sort of hot elf. ' be alive as as. Issue 121, p. 67 ) Originally from Vienna, Lovsky played the character with a Viennese. ( ENT: `` Darkling '' was the first aired episode in script... Started filming, I get that. ' to the dissolution of the Syrranites following death... They put it behind my ears so you can see them blood ). 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