The flowers are star-shaped, white to purple in color, with 5 lobes. Colorado: Soapstone Prairie Wildflower Identification Sheets; Durango Plants: Colorado Plants; Colorado Native Plant Society: Native Plant Photos and Slide Show; Southeastern Flora of the United States; Missouri Plants ; Florida Virtual Herbarium: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden . Regional guide (campaign to be launched) for City of Charlottesville and counties of Fauquier, Rappahannock, Culpeper, Madison, Orange, Greene, Louisa, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Nelson and Buckingham, Regional campaign under development for the counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Montgomery, Floyd and Pulaski and the cities of Roanoke, Salem and Radford. 1: 58. It was a…, Welcome back! Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia April, 2018 (* denotes naturalized species; ** denotes species native to some areas of Virginia and naturalized in other areas of Virginia) Common Name Scientific … You may recognize the flower and leaves as bearing some similarities to common garden vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. I know, that’s…, Bittersweet. I spotted this plant today (July 13) on a Forest Service road near Poverty Creek/Pandapas Pond Recreation Area. Each leaf is 1 to 2 inches in length, rounded at the tip, and strongly veined. The glamorous scarlet blaze at the flower’s center? … Vol. Where did the summer go? The form that most of us know, the garden variety, was imported from Europe and then popularized in American gardens. Key to Leaves of Virginia Trees (for use with the 4-H tree identification project) by Dr. Jeff Kirwan and James Ward I've got my leaf, let's get started! When I was a college student in the way-back-when, the clubmosses were all called “Lycopodiums”…, Lycopodiella alopecuroides I went to the coast for Christmas this year and was lucky to get out for a nice walk at a Nature Conservancy property while I was there. It was just growing in a roadside ditch that hadn’t been mowed yet. The tall spikes can grow 1 to 2 feet high over a basal rosette of shiny green leaves. The FLORA OF VIRGINIA app is based on the FLORA OF VIRGINIA book, … I found four or five of these mushrooms, growing under a group of hemlock trees, and a whole bunch more on my neighbor’s property, coming up under pines. This website is provided by the Virginia Native Plant Marketing Partnership as a hub to resources identifying plants native to Virginia and a place to start for guidance about landscaping with Virginiaâs native plants. In Virginia, we have some unique and irreplaceable species. Reaching just 3 feet in height, Nodding Bur Marigold has much smaller flowers than your average sunflower–its flower heads are only about 1 to 2 inches across! (See Local Providers Partnering in Regional Native Plant Campaigns). There is one flower per…, Trillium undulatum Oh, where do I start with this uncommon wildflower? Blooms can last for up to a month, making daisies a ubiquitous part of…, Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue, Foxglove Penstemon, or Beardtongue These showy, native wildflowers appear from April to June in sunny or partially sunny locations. Current Status. Tended by invisible hands, miniature gardens are bursting from the forest floor with color and promise. Virginia CZM is a network of state agencies and coastal localities, led by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. This year, I was lucky enough to be up there when it was blooming, and I literally gasped when I saw…, Apocynum cannabinum If you’re trying to identify this plant for the first time, you might reasonably assume it is a kind of milkweed. Please explore…, In the interest of getting things started again here at Virginia Wildflowers, I am copying some photos from last spring to re-familiarize you with the progression of spring flowers that may be blooming in your area now. ), including planting guidance and a new video. As the name implies, the stems and leaves of this native are covered in downy hair. Then I took a couple steps closer and nearly…, Impatiens capensis Jewelweed or touch-me-not is a tall annual that grows in moist areas, usually along the banks of streams, rivers and ponds. Gobs of showy, purplish flowers cover the top of this tall native plant and provide an important source of nectar for insects–especially migrating butterflies– at this time of year. Flora & Fauna Corridor Management Plan for Virginia Coal Heritage Trail WMTH Corporation, 2011, 105 CHAPTER VI: UNIQUE FEATURES Flora & Fauna There are numerous notably rare tree & shrub species as one travels the Virginia Coal Heritage Trail. uber, is a small tree with a wild population found only in ONE Figure 6 Map of Betula lenta var. Species: Common Name: Family: Abies fraseri Acer negundo Acer rubrum Acer pensylvanicum Acer saccharum Achillea millefolium ... *identification questionable. When fully dry, the hard seeds inside these boxes will rattle when shaken, giving rise to another common name, Rattlebox. In order to obtain carbon, it forms a parasitic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi that grow on tree roots. Questions, suggestions or comments about this website? Banner photographs courtesy Gary P. Fleming. The alternate leaves are ovate to spatulate, narrower at the base than at the tip. The leaves are opposite, ovate to lanceolate, and have lightly toothed margins. At my house, where I have a small woodland surrounding my home, I had Hepatica and Bloodroot flowers blooming on March 17th! The entire plant consists of a stem that is purplish to green, yellow or brown. Only in Virginia! The leaves are opposite and quite varied…, Trauvetteria carolinensis In late spring and early summer, look for Tassel Rue growing along the banks of mountain streams. The FLORA OF VIRGINIA app is a complete guide for learning about the plants of Virginia, whether a wildflower from a weedy roadside, a shrub from a coastal dune, or a tree from a deep Appalachian hollow. But—under the protection of hemlock trees in my…, Hygrocybe punicea A late October surprise: A profusion of Crimson Waxy Caps growing along the Skullcap Trail in the Jefferson National Forest! Grass-like plants Grasses, sedges, and other plants with long, narrow leaves Key Characteristics Leaves consisting of a narrow blade and a tubular sheath around the stem; small, inconspicuous flowers without obvious sepals and petals Exceptions Some non-grasses have very narrow leaves but produce showy flowers One look at the purple stems and prickly fruit of this plant will tell you why. The two-lipped, tubular flowers are borne on…, Hieracium caespitosum (H. pratense) I’ve been spotting a new wildflower around town this week, and I even saw it a couple of days ago on top of Salt Pond Mountain, near Mountain Lake. I know December is not the best time of the year for botanizing, but I took my camera anyway… I would have been happy to…, Ludwigia alternifolia The cute little square seed pods of Ludwigia alternifolia, or Seedbox, are drying now in winter fields along with other stars of summer, like Queen Anne’s Lace and Ironweed. The petals are lilac-purple to blue-white, and sometimes the…, Fringed Polygala or Gaywings Polygala paucifolia At first glance, the color and texture of this flower call to mind an orchid. Virginia Wildflowers is a natural history photo gallery and casual field guide to the wildflowers of Virginia. It grows on recently downed or wounded hardwood trees, which is exactly where I found these! Please e-mail The small flowers of tassel rue grow in a panicle at the top…, The New River Valley Mushroom Club met at Pandapas Pond in late August for a 4-hour mushroom foray. The app does not need an Internet connection to run, so you can use it no matter how remote your wanderings take you. I’ve been stalking it for a month now, waiting for it to come into bloom. The leaves are opposite and entire. This diminutive species is common in urban areas because it likes to grow in wood…, Aster… I have a limit as to how long I’ll try to key out difficult flowers, and I’ve hit mine with the fall asters! Order here: Click for Android devices. The remarkable thing about witch-hazel is its odd bloom time: September-October-November! The FLORA OF VIRGINIA PROJECT ( presents the complete app for learning about the plants of Virginia, whether a wildflower from a weedy roadside, a shrub from a coastal dune, or a tree from a deep Appalachian hollow. This region, which includes the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, is rich in biodiversity. Virginia Tech. Oct 19, 2018 - Explore Laura Wooten Studio's board "Virginia Native Flora", followed by 105 people on Pinterest. Check boxes for all that apply. The Flora of Virginia has won several awards, including the Thomas Jefferson Award for Conservation. I recently spotted it at two of my favorite hiking places along the Blue Ridge Parkway: Rock Castle Creek Gorge and Crabtree Falls. The photos above show the leaves arranged on the flowering stem in an alternate pattern, without petioles and gently clasping. Navigate with above index or scroll bar. Foundation of the Flora of Virginia Project Inc. and Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press have collaborated to publish the Flora of Virginia, the first formal update to the state's flora since 1762. They have reproductive structures that are shaped like clubs, hence the name. Flora of Virginia App by High Country Apps: This is a must-have if you are serious about Virginia wildflower identification - or any other plant in the state. The flowers wave gently in the breeze, earning this plant the…, Doll’s Eyes or Baneberry Actaea pachypoda The compound leaves of baneberry are toothed and pinnate, similar in some ways to black cohosh in appearance. Francis. Virginia is a great place to live - according to some people. The leaves are larger at the bottom of the plant, growing smaller…, Armillaria Honeys! It includes detailed identification keys and descriptions for the 3164 native and naturalized species that are found in Virginia. Large drifts of wood betony could be found growing in the woods behind the hotel there. Armillaria tabescens is ringless; the…, Lactarius volemus The genus name of this mushroom refers to the “milky” latex that quickly flows when the flesh of the mushroom is cut or broken. This low-growing, creeping perennial has shiny green leaves arranged in a rosette. It has…, Amanita cokeri This very large, poisonous Amanita has white warts on the cap and erupts from a large basal bulb. Provided by Kentucky Native Plant Society. Several blooms are born on a spike (raceme). Also, the flowers of this plant always face downward (nodding), such that you have to turn them over…, Platanthera orbiculata I was pleasantly surprised to spot a tall spike of white flowers in the forest above Mountain Lake Lodge yesterday. When they are…, Hericium erinaceus Just in time for Halloween: Fungi with TEETH! Dozens of individual blooms are borne on stout umbels at the top of a 2-5 ft. tall plant. The FLORA OF VIRGINIA app is based on its predecessor, the FLORA OF VIRGINIA book published by the Flora of Virginia Project in partnership with the Virginia Department of … Flora of Carolinas and Virginia; Flora of North America. The…, Lycoperdon pyriforme On a hike to the War Spur trail in late September, and then again at Pandapas Pond in late October, I found these mushrooms growing in abundance, on decaying logs. It is hard to miss this plant because the flower stalks are tall and straight and they are topped with sunny yellow flowers…, Galax urceolata Wandflower, Galax, or Beetleweed The white spikes of galax rise up like magic wands in late May and June in the woodland forests of Appalachia. The trumpet-like or funnel-shaped flowers are yellowish-orange with…, Pyrola americana Also flowering in June is another member of the Wintergreen Family: Round-leaved Pyrola. On first glance, I thought it was “just Phlox”, which started to bloom in the woods near Blacksburg recently. The guide carefully notes similar looking plants and provides a link to the similar plant’s description. In early May, you’ll notice the flower stalks emergining from the ground. The leaves (see photo below) are opposite,…, Prunella vulgaris As the name would suggest, heal-all has been used to treat all kinds of maladies in the past. In flower it is…, Ghost Flower, Corpse Plant, or Indian Pipe Monotropa uniflora This wildflower lacks chlorophyll and is non-photosynthetic. The end product will be a reference manual for botanists, gardeners, and teachers to identify native and naturalized Virginia flora and to promote conservation of native species. The white flowers appear mid-spring in a dense cluster at the top of a stem. Fall is rushing toward closure, and with it– the leaves are falling from the sky and stacking up like piles of newspaper around me. Today I found drifts of them growing along the roadside next to Big Stoney Creek in Giles County. Maybe I should just say, “This little trillium is a real showstopper!” Like all the trillium species, the leaves, petals, and sepals of painted trillium…, Convallaria majuscula Until now, I did not know that Lily of the Valley grows wild in the Appalachian Mountains! Something else remarkable about this pretty little plant is the broad, flat face of the flower (1-inch wide), which is somewhat reminiscent of a cultivated pansy. As a mushroom, Lion’s Mane is just a mass of white spines,…, Gymnopilus luteus It is October, and the mushrooms are popping everywhere–in the grass, on logs and mulch, and of course on the forest floor. That’s early! Sometimes you will find them growing singly, but most often they occur in large clumps that look like tall, wild grass. The complicated structure, complete with wing-like sepals, resembles a flying bird or airplane. that includes both native and naturalized plant species found in Virginia. The undulating tips of the dainty white petals? formosa It is October, and along with yellow leaves and orange pumpkins, there are large, yellowish-orange mushrooms coming up in my yard in Blacksburg! Weeks have gone by with little rain and fall mushrooms in our area of Virginia have been somewhat scarce lately. Here’s another new mushroom for me! The warts on the cap will…, Now here’s a great name for a flower if I ever did hear one. Frankly, I find this very distracting! The leaves are alternate, simple, entire to ever-so-lightly toothed, hairy, with a strong mid-rib. The coppery-green leaves? Not far behind were the pink flowers of Allegheny Spurge –a gorgeous…, Huperzia lucidula It is the first of January! It can grow up to 5 feet tall! I was in search of another orchid (purple fringed orchid) that I had seen in that area in June a few years back,…, Platanthera grandiflora Ooo-la-la!! There were a lot of them growing in the same area, with many lying on the ground “deliquescing” while others were still emerging…, Lycoperdon perlatum This information is taken directly from Wikipedia: “This mushroom, popularly known as the common puffball, warted puffball, gem-studded puffball, or the devil’s snuff-box, is a species of puffball fungus in the family Agaricaceae. Check out the new pages on landscaping with native trees (new page on trees for web places and native shrubs coming soon! Turtlehead enjoys life…, Hygrocybe conica Conical Waxy Cap is also called witch’s hat, and for good reason. The morphology of the flower is interesting at each stage of development–from new buds to maturity. The “leaves” of the plant…, Diphasiastrum digitatum or Lycopodium digitatum Clubmosses (Lycopdodiaceae) are ancient evergreen perennials that can be spotted easily in the winter woods when all the other forest floor plants are “sleeping”. The following photos were taken today, May 1st, at Falls Ridge Nature Preserve in the Ellett Valley. Although the common name of this fungus suggests a pear shape, these can also be round, as seen in the photo gallery below. You can find columbine growing from April to July in Virginia. The elaborate flowers are only…, Caulophyllum thalictroides Coming up now in rich hardwood coves is a historically important medicinal plant called blue cohosh. Others visit for a period of time each year, then leave. This website is provided by the Virginia Native Plant Marketing Partnership as a hub to resources identifying plants native to Virginia and a place to start for guidance about landscaping with Virginia’s native plants. Shaggy Manes are a kind of mushroom commonly referred to as “inky caps”. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Tree Identification. The FLORA OF VIRGINIA app is a complete guide for learning about the plants of Virginia, whether a wildflower from a weedy roadside, a shrub from a coastal dune, or a tree from a deep Appalachian hollow. $19.99. Since 1990, I (and collaborators) have been working on a new treatment of the flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, and The change of seasons: bittersweet. These leaves are elliptic and slightly toothed. A prominent yellow center contains a group…, Coprinus comatus Today I spotted the largest Shaggy Mane Mushroom I have ever seen–nearly a foot tall!–so of course I have to post about it! While searching for something else, I practically stumbled on this little pink firebomb up in the woods at Mountain Lake. I’ve been out wandering these last few weeks, keeping a close watch on the ground for the “first signs…, It was a deliciously early spring here in southwest Virginia. For Android and iOS devices. A growing number of regional native plant guides are available that highlight the beautiful variety of Virginia’s native plants! Weeds Guides. The app does not need an Internet connection to run, so you… In the early…, Canadian Lousewort or Wood Betony Pedicularis Canadensis Wood Betony is a native wildflower that often grows in large colonies. Click for iOS devices. The plant prefers dry, rocky, limestone hillsides, banks and ravines. Learn more about Virginiaâs regional native plant marketing campaigns, and download our current regional native plant guides. The dainty flowers are two shades of purple and they are held high above the simple and attractive foliage. Here’s just one example, Dwarf Crested Iris! Virginia Wildflowers is a natural history photo gallery and casual field guide to the wildflowers of Virginia. Aquatic plants supply oxygen, provide cover, and can be food for insects that are eaten by fish. Virginia DCR Native Plant Finder. Campaign under development and will include the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Brunswick, Campbell, Charlotte, Franklin, Halifax, Henry, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, and portions of Dinwiddie, Greenville and Sussex east of the fall line. Look what I found! They tend to occur on the lower part of the stem, and some may form a loose basal rosette–…, Chimaphila maculata Such a dainty, intriguing flower! Most of the photos you will find on this website were taken by me, near my home in southwestern Virginia. The group of 25 “hunters” scoured the forest and then met up again at the picnic tables to sort and identify their finds. Most of the remaining populations occur here in Montgomery County (Southwest VA). Indian pipes are found in rich, moist woods where there is a lot of leaf litter. Virginia SOL History and You’d be right. Some find the places in Virginia, the habitats, to be good neighborhoods. ©Thomas G. Barnes. After 10 years of work, the newly published Flora of Virginia is a hefty tome (almost 7 lbs.) Right now, there are autumn-blooming asters everywhere that bear alternate, lanceolate leaves that lack petioles and clasp the stem. Some of the yellow flowers were photographed…, Silene latifolia On my way to work early this morning, a stand of showy White Campion caught my eye. The dazzling…, Tradescantia Found in almost all counties of Virginia, spiderwort is both a native wildflower and a commonly cultivated garden plant. We’ve had several days of rain earlier this week and now a deluge is predicted for…, Chrysopsis mariana Blooming in late summer, this showy, golden yellow aster grows in barren areas. Wild azaleas don’t grow like the familiar, compact…, Adam and Eve Orchid or Putty-root Orchid Aplectrum hyemale Putty-root orchid is found throughout Virginia in moist forests, but it is often obscured by other herbaceous growth in the spring and summer, and by leaf litter in the fall and winter. These photographs were taken at Mountain Lake Lodge in Pembroke, Virginia, in early-May. Falls Ridge Nature Preserve in the fungus world, being both an edible mushroom species provide,! Have gone by with little rain and fall mushrooms in our Area of Virginia puts. Structure, complete with wing-like sepals, resembles a flying bird or airplane gigantea,... Favorite hiking places along the Blue Ridge Mountains, is rich in biodiversity deep inside…, Wintergreen! 200 families to bead up on the leaves, giving rise to another common name, Rattlebox are parasitic hardwood. Taken today, May 1st, at Falls Ridge Nature Preserve in woods... 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